
Well: Denham Springs Country Club #1 (DSCC#1):
Link: LA State DSCC#1 Well Info Page
Location: Section 29, Township 06s, Range 03e
Spud 05/07/2014, Serial 247713, API 17063203200000,
Successfully completed 10/20/2014 as a gas well in the 16700 TUSC RA SUH 
Map & Photo Nov2014Earlier GoHaynesvilleShale DSCC#1 Forum thread,
Public Notice w/platPublic Hearing Part 1, & Part 2, & 1980 Plat Establishment

Hilcorp Energy Co. - Owner Hotline:
OwnerRelations: PO 61229, Houston, TX 77208-1229
MainOffice: 1201 Louisiana Street, Houston, TX 77002
Email: OwnerRelations@Hilcorp.com, http://hilcorp.com
Hotline: 713/209-2457, HotlineFax: 713/289-2842
Main: 713/209-2400, MainFax: 713/209-2420

LA Dept of Natural Resources (Executive, Legal):
General Information and Media Inquiries:
Ph: 225-342-8955, Email: dnrinfo@la.gov, Web: http://dnr.louisiana.gov

LA State Attorney General's Office (LA Chief Legal Officer):
Crime,Corruption,Consumer Protection: 1885 N Third Street, Baton Rouge, LA 70802
Ph: 225-326-6079, Email: ConsumerInfo@ag.state.la.us, https://www.ag.state.la.us

National Association of Royalty Owners (NARO) 
Louisiana Chapter: 

Louisiana Oil & Gas Association: http://loga.la/ 

Oil & Gas Royalty Calculator Excel Worksheet (spreadsheet, xls): 
Download DSCC#1 RoyaltyEstimator1-Simple.xls, or others here.

Mantra Land Services Web Based Oil & Gas Royalty Calculators.

Gas & Oil Sale Prices:
Link: EIA.gov WTI Crude Oil Spot Prices or LA Crude Here
Link: EIA.gov Natural Gas Wellhead Prices (Henry/NYMEX) 
Link: Bloomberg Natural Gas Wellhead Prices (NYMEX) 
Link: Bloomberg WTI Crude Oil First Purchase Prices (NYMEX)

Prior plugged & abandoned well: 
16700 TUSC RA SUH DavidsonBuckle#1 & Map &
Location: Section 48, Township 06s, Range 03e

Relative neighboring well:
16700 TUSC RA SUF DavidsonBuckle#2, & Photo Nov2014 & Map &
Location: Section 48, Township 06s, Range 03e


Views: 6355

Replies to This Discussion

DSCC #1 has brought a new community into the picture that are hoping for future financial gains that have never before benefited from the Gene Buckle wells. So, my questions are all in an effort to determine the potential financial impact of issues related to DSCC #1.
Fantastic Skip. I can already tell that the link you sent me will be very helpful. Thank you.

   I suggest that you friend and then message Dion Warr who is the landman handling our leases for the oil company.  He'll be able to give you verification, relative numbers; and a pretty good idea regarding totals. There's also a royalty calculator link at the top right corner of this website.  

Thanks again.

What I did was use the latest production numbers from the state's well page in the "scout Info" section which are just test numbers (gas and then condensate oil) @ the discount wellhead price. Gets interesting when you figure your percentage, the 25% avg, and then figure their portion.   

2.373 MMCFD (Daily Gas)
192 BCPD (Daily Condensate Oil)

I see that they finally updated the Scouting Report with some production numbers for October.

Thanks Ken.  They were still adding perforations and stimulation at that time; so my thinking is that these numbers are likely short of potential.  Things settled down in the very last week of November. My thinking is that OPEC may soon be history (finished). 

  Any info on why production went from 6000 BBL monthly to zero since February? My neighbors went to the last meeting (that we got no notice of) and were told that the well is non productive, but I'm wondering if the oil crash caused a shut-in?  Would appreciate any relative info.

If Hilcorp has given up on the well there is no report in the database at this time to indicate a plan to plug & abandon.  And no shut-in as far as I can find.   You can't fault Hilcorp - as of 10/20/14 they had spent $25,095,482.00 on the well.  That's a reminder that there is a lot of risk in what the industry does on a daily basis. 

Thanks Skip.  Current breakdown is problem with the casing and production string. You're familiar with the territory:  If you don't mind, on 6K BBL + 60K MCF cash flow monthly; any hunch on what's in store for this issue?  

The rumor of casing and production string problems could be true to some extent  however the three successive completions over about 5 weeks would not appear to be associated with mechanical problems.  The zero under Well Ctn (count) in the LUW Production portion of the well file is a concern. 

From someone's notes at the meeting: "Production tubing blew through the casing." Looks like they've restarted the DavidsonBuckle#2 (SUF) Well to hold non-Pugh lease; with only 28 mcf for March (on it's last leg).   


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