"Haynesville" the Movie Now Exclusively Available on GoHaynesvilleShale.com or order it by phone toll free - (888) 606-6874

Haynesville" the Movie is now available in our internet store. If you haven't seen the trailer, scroll further down.

If you want to make a phone-in order call - 1-888-606-6874

I have seen this documentary, and I was impressed. Mr. Kallenberg did a tremendous job capturing the dynamics involved with a shale play. I truly believe that this movie can change the way this nation looks at energy. This movie is not only for those involved in the natural gas industry, but those who want to see this nation become energy independent.

Here's the trailer.

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And at that point will they be coming "to be" or "for" breakfast? I need to know so I can give them a heads-up. They need to be "dressed" appropriately. lol 80)
Sesport, let's make it a surprise.
I received my copy yesterday. That's fast.
I agree with the comments that the scenery is pretty and the music is dramatic. Overall it's a very good documentary. It will visually explain what's going on here.
I have friends who live far away from Louisiana that I wanted this film to educate regarding energy options and I want to show them the beauty of living in the south. For the most part, this film does that with a few exceptions. One of those exceptions is the skinning of the squirrel. That part could have been left out. It gave me the creeps and it boosts the stereotype of southerners eating rodents and road kill. I know...a lot of you actually do like squirrel and that's fine. Some people like Sushi. I think the squirrel skinning could have been left out without taking away any of the charm of the film.
I don't know, maybe they left that part in there to emphasize how resourceful Louisianians can be? We get a bad rap over a lot of things, I agree. Sometimes it's "hang our heads" like with issues about poverty levels & education. And I do subscribe to "Hurt No Living Thing" in most matters, except if I need to eat. But despite issues of income & achievement levels, how in the world do we end up being declared the "Happiest State" (disclaimer, poll has not been checked for validity/reliability)?

I think the movie may be pointing out and emphasizing, with the inclusion of the squirrel processing segment, how resourceful we are as a culture. And that in itself is a higher level of thinking skills, not necessarily bad or good, just different from practices in other parts of the country & world.

Just got my copy yesterday. Great service on the ordering process.
I enjoyed the movie, GK did a great job. I think a sequel in the future would be very appropriate, because I think there has been a lot of changes since this movie was made.
I appreciate all the messages about the film and requests for a screening. Please know that I'm trying to plan more screenings in the Shreveport/Mansfield area (maybe in February?). I really want you all to get the "big screen" feel of the film. It's pretty awesome.

In the meantime, please take advantage of this exclusive on GoHaynesville. I'm hoping the spreading of the film's message starts here. This is where my project began, and it's where I want the campaign for "Haynesville" to change the energy future to begin.
Will we be able to have squirrel for Les and Skip?
Parker, I just talked to Mike Smith today and he will bring all the squirrel you can eat. For me, I'll stick with the chips and salsa (it's hard to take the Texan out of the boy).

BirdDawg, I would love to do a sequel. Just buy 100,000 DVDs and I'll be on my way. ; )
I think Skip changed his mind ... mentioned something about "lapin." Maybe he saw some new "dish" in a magazine? lol 80)
Just ordered two copies. Thanks for making this available Keith.
In the movie, which I assume was filmed in 2008 when the prices were higher, or 2009. There is a statement that the impact to the local economy would be around 1.7 Trillion over years (not sure how many).

Things have changed since then, the price of gas is no longer high, but the Bossier has been discovered and the boudnaries of both plays have expanded and I am sure will continue to change.

I wonder what the economic impact would look like now?
More or less?

Does anyone know where I can buy a DVD? I went to movie's official website but had no luck. Thanks.


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