Channel 12 announced that there was another local gas well explosion today at 5:00 p.m. and that 1 person was killed. It is a terrible price to pay while you are just trying to make a living.
It is supposed to be on Twin Oaks Road. Is Twin Oaks located off of Stonewall-Frierson Road?

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This well has become a hobby of mine since I live close to it. I noticed that the pressure on the well had dropped to appx. 2200 lbs in the last couple of weeks from around 6K shortly after completion. I wonder if that led to the re-working of it.

Sincerest condolences to his family, friends and co-workers.
As a fellow natural gas worker, my deepest sympathies go out to our fallen brother's family and co-workers. Our prayers and thoughts are with them.
I have known the young man who died tonight since he was about 10yrs old. He was a flowback hand and has been for about the last 8yrs. I have worked with him on several occasions and he was very knowledgable and safe when it came to his work. Something happened at the sand knockout and pipe either seperated or washed out that caused the end of his life. This field is still in its proving phase and you never know what can happen. Everyone is right by saying he was just trying to feed his family and make a living. He was a good guy and will be missed by all who have worked with him in the past. As far as the well name I have no clue. I have talked with several of his friends and some of his family and they are all in shock at what happened. His young family (wife and child of less than 1yr) will need all your prayers. I am sure the site is shut down and all is under investigation at this point. Please pray not only for this situation but for everyone who is working in this new area of discovery. We never truly have mother nature under control- we are only guiding her.
were there no anchors on the sandtrap bypass? i ABSOLUTELY believe that this is an area in our industry that should be heavily regulated to ensure that all possible measures, within reason, are taken to reduce the chance of such tragedy. there are many hands that will encounter this amount of pressure for the first time. it gives me the chills to think of the pressure needed to frac some of these tight formations with multiple stages per lateral. may God bless the family of this young man.
I am looking for people to speak out about this tragic accident. I agree it is a terrible price to pay. Please call me 464-9155. I will be out at the site all morning.
Liz Elan
Don't let the media use the tragic death of a young man to push any kind of agenda, whatever it may be. The media has ruined this country as it is.
Great, the media is always looking for a way to profit from tragedy.
If it bleeds it leads.
My advice for you and any member of the local media would be to consult with someone who knows the business BEFORE you go on the air so you might at least appear to have some knowledge about that which you report.

I have only a limited and vicarious knowledge of the business, but even that has led me to mumble "BS" to myself several times while watching the local news attempt to report on this play. I can only imagine what someone who really knows the ins and outs of it has said, done, or thrown at the tv.
While certainly not trying to downplay the death and injuries that have taken place, I agree with G.L. and that more should have been known before this story aired. Any careless follow up would do nothing to help this terrible situation.

From what I understand, proper protocol may not have been followed just prior to this horrible tragedy. I have been told, from a good and knowledgeable source, that the gentleman that was injured was a former employee and shouldn't have even been there.(This is hearsay and should be taken as such)

Please take extra precaution before jumping to any conclusions as to what should or shouldnt be done in regards to this situation. This industry , as callous as I believe they are in regards to some of their leasing & opreating practices , wouldnt be very smart or where they are today, to have not addressed issues of this nature in regards to safety. Unless of course something like this has never happened before which I highly doubt. It takes only a micro second for something to go wrong. Some can be avoided, some not. Lets find out for sure what is in place and what has happened before we light our torches or cast disparaging comments in either direction.
Speak out about this tragic accident? Just what does that mean?
Very sad news and I'm so sorry for the family and friends of this young man who lost his life. As one poster pointed out, increased drilling rigs will no doubt lead to an increase in drilling related accidents in our area. The risk involved is one reason drilling employees are paid so well, but I'm sure that does not mean much to the family now.



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