February 13, 2009

Contact: Amy Jones

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Congressman Fleming’s Statement Regarding Final Passage of Stimulus Plan

Washington, D.C. – Congressman John Fleming voted against H.R. 1 today, the bill commonly referred to as the 2009 Stimulus Plan. After casting his vote opposing the massive spending bill, Congressman Fleming released the following statement:

“ America is hurting, but this bill isn’t going to provide relief for families or businesses. I could not vote for a bill that will grow government, increase national debt with deficit spending and still won’t grow jobs efficiently.

The final version of this bill is an example of how to waste tax payer dollars. It included $30 million for mice protection, $600 million for golf carts for beauracrats and $1 billion for STD prevention. Rodents, golf carts and condoms were more important than reduced tax cuts for families and help for small businesses. This bill will grow our deficit to its highest level in six decades and economists agree, will not stop America ’s backward economic slide.

This bill also failed to dedicate funding to specific infrastructure projects that would create jobs and boost the economy for Northwest Louisiana . There was no money dedicated to I-49 or any other road project that is critical for the 4th Congressional District.

As a doctor, I am also fearful of another frightening provision snuck into this bill that will create a national health care rationing board. An economic crisis is being used to increase government controlled health care. This is devious and I will fight any measure to move health care in the direction of government intervention in decisions that must remain part of the doctor/patient relationship.

I support an alternative to this plan that creates double the jobs at half the cost, allowes for businesses to expedite depreciation schedules, eliminates capital gains taxes, eliminates payroll deductions immediately and dedicates dollars to infrastructure projects determined to be of the biggest economic importance to this country, including I-49. This bill was never allowed to be brought to the floor.

The American people deserve better than this bill and Congress can do better. I am disappointed that the liberal leadership in Congress did not work in a bipartinsan manner to create a real stimulus package that would immediately create jobs and pull America out of this recession.”


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Way to go Dr. Fleming.
Where can I find a copy of the alternative plan? Thanks -sesport
there is none.
H- It's stated there in the second to last paragraph. With details. What gives? Thanks, sesport
Way to go John! I only wish Landrieu would have voted the same way.
Thanks Mr Fleming. If this liberal trend continues we will need to devolop more of a taste for pork
I agree with congressman Flemings statement. Wake up America, We need to be lowering cost all across the board not raising them. We have gotten ourselves into this mess. We need to each take account of what we do and see how it affects our economy. How many of you have notices that even with gas prices dropping over the last 6 months that nothing else has dropped? We have to start thinking smarter. And start spending smarter and more wiser.
Ditto on the last reply, way to go Congressman Fleming for speaking the truth about this absurd bill foisted on us by the socialist party of America.
Congressman Fleming truth HE DID NOT PAY his taxes, and the GOP ran up this debt. i don't think anyone in that position sould not be in the position to make informed decessions for our country. The last thing I would like to say is welcome back to the DEMOCRATIC PARTY to all the trailer park replicans.
I agree with you Trucker.
Trucker.... what do you mean by trailer park????.....



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