February 13, 2009

Contact: Amy Jones

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Congressman Fleming’s Statement Regarding Final Passage of Stimulus Plan

Washington, D.C. – Congressman John Fleming voted against H.R. 1 today, the bill commonly referred to as the 2009 Stimulus Plan. After casting his vote opposing the massive spending bill, Congressman Fleming released the following statement:

“ America is hurting, but this bill isn’t going to provide relief for families or businesses. I could not vote for a bill that will grow government, increase national debt with deficit spending and still won’t grow jobs efficiently.

The final version of this bill is an example of how to waste tax payer dollars. It included $30 million for mice protection, $600 million for golf carts for beauracrats and $1 billion for STD prevention. Rodents, golf carts and condoms were more important than reduced tax cuts for families and help for small businesses. This bill will grow our deficit to its highest level in six decades and economists agree, will not stop America ’s backward economic slide.

This bill also failed to dedicate funding to specific infrastructure projects that would create jobs and boost the economy for Northwest Louisiana . There was no money dedicated to I-49 or any other road project that is critical for the 4th Congressional District.

As a doctor, I am also fearful of another frightening provision snuck into this bill that will create a national health care rationing board. An economic crisis is being used to increase government controlled health care. This is devious and I will fight any measure to move health care in the direction of government intervention in decisions that must remain part of the doctor/patient relationship.

I support an alternative to this plan that creates double the jobs at half the cost, allowes for businesses to expedite depreciation schedules, eliminates capital gains taxes, eliminates payroll deductions immediately and dedicates dollars to infrastructure projects determined to be of the biggest economic importance to this country, including I-49. This bill was never allowed to be brought to the floor.

The American people deserve better than this bill and Congress can do better. I am disappointed that the liberal leadership in Congress did not work in a bipartinsan manner to create a real stimulus package that would immediately create jobs and pull America out of this recession.”


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Will Obama be ran off like Jimmy Carter when the dust settles?
Yes, "H" I thought you did not allow politics on the Main page. Isn't it time to close this discussion on the Main Page, if you really want to read all the dung you could post the discussion in politics. IMH Democrat liberal socialist American opinion. Yeah & I even lived in a trailer once.
Reply by KB, rsp'd maddog
I'm a liberal socialist environmentalist eccentric libertarian. And, I, too, proudly lived in a trailer!

Dang girl!
Did you'll have somebody from your party in the Primaries ? :-)
I am not going to get into the fray about whether the plan will work in general.
I am only going to comment on what is relevant to the main purpose of this site.
Natural gas.
There is very little given to the natural gas industries in any form.
That which is/or may be set aside, it is lumped in with fossil fuel so their is no guarantee it will be put towards nat gas.
The biggest thing is that it appears to just be for research.
Not help in the area of loan or other subsidies or incentives to make companies put there necks out to cme get the gas.
This disappoints me.
There is a small blurb about 'Fossil' fuels. the amount was small in scale compared to the amounts given to electric and other non fossil fuel type.
I would imagine the politicians in charge would want to avoid the appearance of giving any money to the so called rich oil companies or making them more profitable. They've been blasting the republicans a long time for giving them tax breaks. So maybe that is why they didn't include any funds for Natural Gas production.
I was hoping they would see beyond our shores and petty political and other irrational differences and do something smart so we could be ahead of the curve instead a day late and trillions of dollars short.
One day the Chinese, Japanese, and the Middle Eastern crew are going to want their money. If we use our resources to our advantage instead of dreaming of electric miracles and other technology that is not affordable and need lots of research, we should be using what we already have an abundance of to get off the oil addiction and to power our large trucks, mass transit vehicles and whatever else can be powered safely by NG.

As far as I am concerned the Republicans and the Democrats fell short on this one.

Whenever they wake u, I will or my kids will still have my land and they will need what is under my family land.

I'll just keep trying to be patient.
I want to be around to see it, spend it, etc.
I think I will, Hope I am still healthy, could be decades at this rate, don't want to have to spend it all on healthcare bills.....

Well put!

'You cannot legislate the poor into freedom by

legislating the wealthy out of freedom. What one person

receives without working for, another person must work for

without receiving. The government cannot give to anybody

anything that the government does not first take from

somebody else. When half of the people get the idea that

they do not have to work because the other half is going

to take care of them, and when the other half gets the

idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is

going to get what they work for, that my dear friend, is

about the end of any nation. You cannot multiply wealth

by dividing it."

Dr. Adrian Rogers, 1931 - 2005
Excellent! This "Steal-from-Us" plan that was forced down everyone's throat is going to be a nightmare and a catastrophic failure. My kids and grandkids will be paying for this big government, grease the palms of everyone who voted for me plan.

But you know what, the doofus' that elected these clowns deserve what they get. Unfortunately, those in the minority also have to put up and live with their garbage. As someone also said many many years ago, this Republic will work up to the point where the non-producers realize that they can vote themselves a pay raise at the expense of the producers! With over 50% of the folks not paying income tax, my friends, we are there!

My prediction is that this "steal-from-us" plan will fail. But that may not be too bad. If the Chosen One has enough failures, maybe some folks will wake up and not vote for him again! Fail baby fail. And by that I mean his policies and his idealogically driven plans.

And again, always remember what the Dem's mean by "bipartisan": it means all Republicans agree with the Democrats and do what they say! If bipartisan means voting against your beliefs, then to hell with bipartisanship! Its highly overrated.

Want a bipartisan bill? Why not have any GOP congressmen on the conference committee for this bill? Why not accept several of the many GOP amendments and plans that were proposed? Cuz that's not bipartisanship as per Nancy Peloosi. Barrf.
Good post. I think after living awhile we can realize the answer will come out of the moment, not out of DC. These people who are hung up on the present system are behind the curve. GOP and Democrats have brought us to this point. Something else will come out of neccesity. Hold to your land and stay cool in the moment. Do not buy BS from either side and look at all landmen as what they are: LEASEHOUNDS.
Okay, I've looked at what the Center for Budget & Policy Priorities has on the plan. Didn't find anything about mice proctection or golf carts. Where am I missing it? Can someone provide a link & pg number? Thanks
These are excerpts from: I queried on the word 'fossil'. Once you read the full text of the each item then use your browser to search for more detail on the 'section 702 of the Energy Independence and Security Act ', the original 'Energy Bill'

House Democrats 1/23/09 Bill Text, Page 67:

... further, That the cost of such loans, including the cost of modifying such loans, shall be as defined in section 502 of the Congressional Budget Act of 1974. FOSSIL ENERGY For an additional amount for ‘‘Fossil Energy’’, $2,400,000,000 for necessary expenses to demonstrate carbon capture and sequestration technologies as authorized under section 702 of the Energy Independence and Security Act of ...

Senate "Compromise" 2/7, Page 75:

... of coordinated State electricity policies, programs, laws, and regulations: Provided further, That $10,000,000 is provided to implement section 1305 of Public Law 110–140. FOSSIL ENERGY RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT For an additional amount for ‘‘Fossil Energy Research and Development’’, $4,600,000,000, to remain available until September 30, 2010: Provided, That $2,000,000,000 is available for one or ...

If you serahc on the words Natural Gas at
There is also an incentive program for natural gas water heaters.

Why isn't there something for cars and trucks?
Why isn't there subsidized funding putting in pipeline, drilling, etc?
LNG, CNG ......?

Why are we spending so much on other oil alternatives that are still on the drawing board?
Why aren't we pushing natural gas now, while finding a longer term alternative?

I did my part. I wrote Obama and my representative and senator, several times, I wish more people would or had get on board and do the same.

This stimulus is done now, there will be few additions or changes from here one out, because the US is broke.

It is up to the Natural gas Industry to create the demand on their own now.

I will continue to be positive.
Thanks, VSC O, I read how electric cars & solar/wind technology would benefit. I did notice the absence of mention of ng. Just couldn't find the part about mice protection & golf carts. (Did he really say mice protection? ) LOL

CBPP also keeps track of lobbying efforts, mostly in the form of how much who is spending. Energy companies spend a pretty penny, I noticed Exxon as one of the top spenders. CPK threw some change at the effort.

Okay, my other question remains ... Rep. Fleming mentions that he supports an alternative plan, where do I find that plan?

Your assistance is appreciated. :0)



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