2009 looks promising for the Haynesville Shale
Jim Roberts jroberts@ktbs.com
Created: February 12, 2009 05:28 PM
Modified: February 12, 2009 05:28 PM

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2009 looks to be a promising year for the Haynesville shale.

Encana, a Canadian natural gas company, have already drilled wells into the shale.

Jeff Wojahn, director of U.S. operations, says none of the wells are record breakers, but they are producing sizable amounts of natural gas.

"They're strong wells. We have had good results that have been equivalent to results published by the industry," said Wojahn.

Those results have encouraged Encana to plan on drilling five more wells over the next year, into the Haynesville shale and another formation called the Deep Bossier.

Chesapeake Energy, one of the early players in the shale, is also looking to expand in 2009. "We're currently operating 20 rigs a today. We expect to end the year with 35 rigs operational in this 3.5 million acre acrea," said Kevin McCotter, company spokesman.

Another big player, Petrohawk, also has plans to add at least a dozen more rigs.

Don Briggs, president of the Louisiana Oil and Gas Association, says there is almost 100 rigs working in north Louisiana.

Many of those rigs were moved from the Barnett shale in Fort Worth and the Marcellus shale in West Virginia and Pennsylvania.


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Things that Mrs. C has never done:
1. cured headaches
2. found mates for single men & women
3. ridded anyone of warts
4. made pasta from a magic pot
5. Helped neighbors out with their troubles

Things that Mrs. C has done:
1. caused many headaches, especially to one Mr. Cathaus
2. instigated a couple of break-ups
3. applied Wart off to child's wart
4. Made reservations at Italian restaraunt
5. Gave neighbors trouble.
Strega Cathaus sounds like a mean old gray-haired Dinosaur........definitely me!
I think that Parker and I could come up with a really great book, only if you will join up with our team!
Strega Nona mean... never! Stern ... forgiving... mystically magical ... yes. Gray haired ... probably, but I'll bet even she let's that bun down every now & then. Maturity is soooo liberating these days, all that guessing is behind you (in more ways than one).

I'll team up if I get to color. Been letting my artistic side lapse much lately ... the professional side keeps me too busy. But give me a box of good old 64 Crayolas and see what I can do. :0)
You got that right. All of my problems are sooooooo behind me. I think there is a little 3 year old boy following to close behind me. I turn around to tell him to go find his Mother only to discover it is my butt!! I am too old to even care about that sort of thing now. I just show my butt everywhere I go. Maybe that is why I am not invited out very often!
I love to color. My favorite gifts as a child was a new box of crayons. When my parents would splurge and buy the 64 pack, I was in Crayola Heaven! You can join us and we may even advance to markers one day.

Thanks for the compliment. I true writer I am not. Maybe someday.

Plus I have my hands full with a stack of serious reading to do.

When I'm done, I'll have to look up Strega Nona .
Well thanks Maw.......... I'm recovering a hypocrite myself. I still fall off the wagon once in awhile, but I don't hide from it when it's shown to me. Example; I got on to my guys for putting out their cigs on the front dock I said it look's trashy and unprofessional. Last week I got back from lunch walk up the stairs and put my cig out on the front dock. You talk about a citizens arrest man those guys where all over me, all I could do was smile and say your right. I was hypocrite and never thought twice about it.
The thing about being a hypocrite is that there is always someone around to notice when you are being one! Danged snoops! I jess' hate 'em.
Yes Mam, don't ever tell your kids what you did when you were younger.
They will remind you of it everyday.
My children know all about my foibles. I never tried to hide anything from them. I even told them the story about my having to walk 5 miles, uphill both ways, through the snow to school, carrying my lunch (syrup biscuit )in a bucket!
First things first, quit with the unintelligible junk. A first grader can understand what I'm saying. So stop spinning it and read again what I said. You and GD had a conversation which went like this.

GD says " call'em faux Christians"

You answer back.

or, "Christian lite"
or, "Spirtually challenge"
or, "how about the truth
there're freakin hypoctites

I just pointed out the fact hypocrites are everywhere not just in religion, but in politics too. I didn't call you a hypocrite. I call some of the decisison the White House made hypocritical. Now if you stand behind all of the decision that they have made so far you are hypocrite. That's not to hard to understand is it. I had to listen to Bush bashing for eight years, and I had to listen to a lot of it on this site. I don't hear anything about Obama on here, but yet there's plenty to talk about. I'm not here to get the people all worked up about this ( ok ,I am) but I'm going to hold this adminstation feet to the fire if nobody else on this site does.

I just compared Christian hypocrites to political hypocrites, that's not hard to understand. I'm Just giving you some tuff love KB.
Sounds like someone will be eating crow tonight Buck! That biscuit and mayhaw jelly is sounding better and better!!!
My dear KB, you know that I love you.
Just think of me as a Conservative Priest who is trying to exorcise those Liberal Demons from your soul. I just want to hear you hold President Obama to the same standard that you held President Bush or John Mc Cain and you just won't do it. Why? Is there a double standard that we have in this country for different Presidents Example: If Bush would have hired a man to run the IRS who did not pay his taxes for four years you would have gone nut's. I'm just trying to get you to say that it was hypocritical for the President to do that. Now, I've tried three different ways to get you to do that, still you haven't answered me why?
I just want you to say that it was hypocritical for the President to say in his campaign promises that there would be no lobbyist in the White House, and yet he had to sign a special waver because the number two guy in the Defense Department was the former CEO for Rathyon.

Now, I have talk to other people about this same subject on different blogs, and I still can't get anybody to say that it was hypocritical. You can be the first to release those demons by saying it here and now, that it's hypocritical. I look forward to response.

All my love Dorcheat
My dear KB,

You just can say it, can you. There you have it folks, I can read this stuff like tea leaves. Quit deflecting from Obama and try saying it. I know it's difficult, I'm not trying to make this hard. I know that it's shocking thing to a lot of people to find out Obama is a human. But you can still be the first to say it.

Obama has been hypocritcal.
Nothing to it, see i did it.

Your little buddy.


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