I don't mean to insult who ever posted it. It's just that it freaks me out every time I see it. Sorry. You can't look away from it either. I'm sure I am not the only snake a phobic person on GH. I really really hate the site of snakes. Especially huge ugly snakes with their jaw wide open. Am I alone in this or do others feel the same way?

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its not a snake...... its a bunny...does that help
No Connman... thanks but, it doesn't help...and it's not a bunny. I try to cover it up with my hand so I don't have to SEE it but it's always there. You never know when it's ugly face will appear. Again...not trying to insult snake loving people. It's just that it puts knots in my stomach.
Just kidding.....I understand
Well, please accept my apologies. Didn't meant to spell your name Conman...But...it figures that a guy named Coonman would have tried to convince me it's a bunny!!!
Now for the disclaimer:
Sarah's request is in no way directed at our own SNAKE STEWART.
There, Snake, I beat you to it!!!
That snake was killed in Africa, Southern Africa I believe, it's a python.
That particular snake may or may not be a "python" but I can tell you folks FOR A FACT that where I live (DeSoto Parish, N/W La.) we have snakes around here that would make this one look like a junior! One cannot live in this part of the country and not see snakes. It goes with the turf. One kind of rattlesnake that we have around here is the EASTERN Diamondback, and they DO grow to sizes of up to 4, 5 feet in length. Every so often one is killed and the picture ends up in the local newspaper. Just last fall I was put-puttin' around in my golf cart/ATV type vehicle on my back 40 and noticed a rather large "log" lying in the path just ahead of me. As I got closer (too close perhaps as my buggy doesn't have brakes!), I realized that it was indeed one of these large snakes (thru the years I have run across several of these big snakes, along with many Copperheads - no big deal to me, you just have to be careful where you step. For instance, you learn to never step OVER a large log but rather step ON it and see what's on the other side).

The snake was so long that I could lean out to the left and see snake, lean out to the right and see snake. The snake's circumferance was such that it was larger than my forearm, and its head was broader than the knuckles on my fist! And I assure you, I am NOT a person prone to exaggerations. In it's own right it was indeed a beautiful creature with a striking "diamond" pattern. I did not see the need to kill it just to have "braggin' rights" in a show-and-tell contest (and yes, I know, I'll most probably be laughed at by some and considered to be just plain nuts - but so be it). By the way, I'm the same person who was castigated a while back by one individual on GHS as a "treehugger" simply because I expressed the sentiment that I have a profound respect for the land which God has placed in my trust. I believe that God had a reason for creating such a thing as a snake so I simply let it go on its way.
Never seen a eastern diamondback in desoto parish. been living in southeastern desoto for 60 years . the rattlesnakes here are canebrake rattlers; asubspecices of the timber rattler, they can get over 6 feet long but most are around 4 to 5 feet. if you ever see a eastern diamondback i sure would like to see it buckmaster
Thanks Sarah....I, too HATE those reptiles. I've been digging thru old photos to try to find enough to download to keep him from coming up on the screen. (Just kidding) But I hate looking down his mouth when I sign on.
I agree with Sarah.... I am also tired of looking at all those little dogs... We have seen them a Kazillion times now, and that is really a Kazillion times to many.
Ditch the Snake and the Dogs.... Stick to Haynesville Shale pictures.
"Ditch the Snake and the Dogs.... Stick to Haynesville Shale pictures"

Agreed, I rubbed some people the wrong way along time ago on here when I got tired of looking at everyone's horse, dog, cat, bird, grandkid, flowers...etc etc
Haynesville Shale pics?
How do you take a picture of something that doesn't exist?


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