Snapshot of the Play: HA Unit Orders/Applications By Township - 03/21/09

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Skip, Good information. I really suprised about the number of increases from the map you put out on 3/09. Just wish they would get into my area.
landowner. Every time I turned around this week, there was another unit application. The majority of recent applications continue to be in companies' core areas usually referred to as "infill". Perfectly logical under the prevailing circumstances. The majority of apps continue to come from a small group of "shale players". Petrohawk, Chesapeake and Encana. EXCO, EOG and Questar have also been active of late. Samson Contour continues to stand out as they are on the public hearing schedule for another 19 sections. Just call them the energizer bunny. Because they keep going and going. And continue to have a big disparity between units and drilling permits. A new name did crop up this week, Tellus Operating, with an application for a 640 acre unit in Sections 25/36 of 18N-15W under Cross Lake. And a new field, Chemard Lake (DeSoto), first HA apps by Samson Contour.
Good to see the Chemard Lake field finally pop up! We leased to Samson 3 years back (just signed the extension) and Encana/Swepi this year in the Chemard Lake field. Next thing I'm looking for is T9 R11 in Sabine which is around the Belmont Marthaville area where we leased to Chesapeake.
olddog. The Chemard Lake Field is in a highly prospective area. If you don't mind telling us, how long an extension did you grant to Samson Contour? And are you saying that SC has a working relationship with Encana/SWEPI in the field?
The extension was for 2 years covering approximately 120 acres and we signed in the Nov-December time frame. No I am not saying that Samson and Encana have a working relationship. Just pointing out that we have land in 5-6 sections in T11 R11 that are leased to both Encana and Samson. Both companies have land leased from us in the same section.

On another note, we just got our checks from CGG Vertitas and surveying is supposed to start soon.
Thanks. And Good Luck!
Skip, what do you mean by highly prospective area? Thanks.
As there is as yet little production data, the prospects of the HS being productive is considered more likely in fields in the central area of the "blob". Or in this case, the township grid. There is more hard data available and less risk. The recent disappointing wells in north Caddo Parish are a cautionary reminder that the shale is not present everywhere and that even where it does exist (as it does in N. Caddo), it may be less productive or require a learning curve to come up with the successful completion design. Fields and townships on the northern, eastern and southern edges of the grid are less prospective as there is less data and it is an established fact that the HS does not go on forever. It will transition to sand at some point as you move away from the core. The Chemard Field is in DeSoto Parish and all of DeSoto Parish is considered to lie in the core area.
Could you please identify which wells you mean in N Caddo ("recent disappointing wells") - do you know their township/range/sections?

many thanks
Old Dog, your acreage appears to not only be in a good area for Haynesville Shale but also on trend with the Middle Bossier Shale that is being tested by EnCana in Red River Parish.
HGH. I don't have the time at the moment to list the wells but you can go back to the past discussions and find them. Start with the discussion, "Mystery of the Northern Wells Solved" by Jay (Shalegeo).
skip 18n15wsec 33is this allso in the unit by cross lake



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