Just checked out this morning a new web site posted by State of Louisiana. By the way, this web site has been developed specifically for the "Haynesville Shale". Has a great interactive map, which I think everyone has been looking for it seems like "forever". Good luck Haynesville Shalers.

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Shelby w

What is the website address?
this posting has taken the early lead in number of responses.
That's allright. I think I put too much info in my posts, so nobody reads them :) But it still worth noting that the DNR is also working on another interactive function on that site that will allow visitors to see land that has been proposed for unitization or unitized for exploration and production and markers for wells permitted by the Office of Conservation, wells that are being drilled and wells that are in production.

That could be very useful.
Right - they said they're working on it, so we'll see how long that takes and how functional and updated it is when/if it appears.
Strange. The map that comes up for me shows the north-south boundaries being 23N and 15N. Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the 10N-15N area (which is not included on the map) more prospective than the 20N-23N area (which is included)?


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