Everyone in section 19 and surrounding sections. The property behind Golden Meadows known by some as the cow pasture, is owned by Bellaire Baptist Church, right. The church bought it from the City of Bossier in 2004. Louisiana law reserves all rights to property they sale or transfer. This means that a good part of section 19 maybe leased right now. The church has nothing to with the mineral rights that's why no one is able to get any information about the lease. If anyone recalls the announcement by the city recently regarding the approval by city counsel to lease 3,300 acres starting at a bid for $27,500. I do not have a positive confirmation of what that land is but I do know that it's been a mad house is Golden Meadows. I've seen what I think maybe landmen and they are very pushy and rude. They've knocked on doors convincing people to attend a meeting to sign what they described as an independent contract for 5,500 an ace. Considering all the property in the back, a quota could be reached if they succeed in convincing a small portion of homeowners to lease. That could warrant a pool for the rest of the land. Nobody knows how many they've got to sign so please spread the info before something happens. This is not a rumor I've seen them myself and talked to them. If they knock on your door you can bet it's them because the people from the organization have been extremely friendly and have only left flyers at the door, no knocking.

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I have documents from the August 3, 2004 regular counsel meeting re Bellaire Baptist Church purchasing the property behind East Meadow for $42,500 to build a ballpark. If you check the Louisiana law you'll find that when the government sales or transfers any property they reserve all mineral rights. The property that Bellaire Baptist owns was purchase from the city. It's logic. The information is public and you can verify it all you want. I have no interest in this other than protecting my grandparents. I do not own any property.
Look the Louisiana Constitution is where I got this information from. You can't rewrite the constitution. The sale of property by any level of Louisiana government (were not talking about the feds) will keep all mineral rights. Read the constitution. If it was sold by the government, it keeps the rights. Also the Department of Wildlife and Fisheries has strict provision regarding that land. It's a wildlife reserve. There's a trail of history behind that land. I don't have any documents about the mineral rights but I bet I bet something will surface. Noone has been able to get any info about that land for a reason. Looking in the wrong place. My grandmother has lived here a long time and I've never seen such crazy madness as I've seen lately. We've had people knocking on the doors several times. We've seen many people walking the streets leaving flyers. I just wanted to know why the madness. Things happen for a reason and you have to look at the bigger picture because it's always starring you right in the face. The logic makes more sense then people realize. Everyone needs to stop this madness because it's not worth it. Not one red cent of it. We only have the ones we love and ourselves to cherish, not all these $$$$
You do not even own property in this area! Do the community a favor and stop trying to convince everyone of the paranoid half-truth you want everyone to buy into. You are only adding mis-information with all this "I can't prove it, but I bet...!" crap. Stick with what you know to be fact. You will have more credibility. This is an example of knowing a little bit...about a big issue...making a huge problem.
WHOA, Ms Rachal,take a breath. Seriously, how many of us even knew or even cared if we even had mineral rights before this feeding frenzy? This is one of the FEW places in the entire world where the citizen can even own mineral rights, much less even have the right to sell them.
You know this would have never bothered had not this man come by knocking on the door and calling out to us wanting talk. We didn't open the door right away and he knocked and called out until we did. I explained to him that my grandmother was working and she would be home on the weekend he needed to talk to her. He came back real early that Sat. or Sun and knocked until she got out of bed to answered the door. She was reluctant to listen to him but he wasn't leaving without her signature on what he called a group list. I, not thinking, told her it was okay that she wasn't completing a lease agreement. He wanted her to go to a meeting a the firestation to talk about an independent contract granting 5,500 an acre. He claimed to be a neighbor but I've never seen him before and when she asked him which house was his he couldn't really give a good answer. He claimed that the group was formed by the property owner that owns that land on Alfred Lane where the trailer park is. She went to the meeting but I don't know what she did. She hasn't given me a real answer that I feel is the whole story. I'm worried about her she is much older than the other residents around here. I don't know who that man was but something seemed wrong. I did this investigating because I wanted to understand why these people were bothering my grandmother. I know this area very well all the way to Doyline. I've live around pipelines and there is only logic when dealing with access and availability. Maybe someone ought to find out where the drill is to be located exactly and that will answer many questions about leasing surface versus minerals. Another thing I don't think anyone who calls themselves a member of a church should talk the they have in this forum. You are a servant of God and you have a duty to live up to. I never call anybody a liar because there is no such thing as a lie if it's relative to that persons perspective. Relativity theory is good chapter to read.
If your Grandmother went to the meeting then she is probably holding out. I honestly can't blame her for not telling you anything with the crazy rantings you have posted on these boards. You probably have her scared to death!

She has lived a long time and with age comes wisdom...she probably knows exactly what she wants to do and if she is the property owner it is her decision to make. You just can't control everything in everyone's life no matter how much you care. Love does not equal control...God loves us so much he has given us the gift of free will...

And yes I am "servant of God". I have been taught to defend the defensless and stand up for my beliefs and what I KNOW to be true. I will never apologize for doing so...
HOW MANY TIMES does someone have to tell you that they own their mineral rights? I have seen your posts on other boards as well. And I agree with ph INW...Something is definately going on with you. Do you not understand that sometimes there are excpetions to the rules? IF ph INW says they OWN THEIR RIGHTS...then they do. If RANDY HARPER stands in front of his congregation and tells them he has leased the minerals for the land they own behind Golden Meadows for $300,000 then HE HAS. This "no one can find out the correct info" is GARBAGE. The correct info is what has been told to you time and time again. These entities OWN THEIR RIGHTS. If you can't understand that ...that is your problem. Just because you "can't explain" why some one owns their rights...doesn't mean they don't. Have you ever thought it is just NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS and that is why you can't confirm anything!
Thanks Mustang Mama, I couldn't have said it any better. Rachel Deyo Wilson states she isn't a land owner so why does she continue to butt in? Also the cow patures she mentions is owned by a private individual in Bossier City, not the City of Bossier. And yes, the church property has been leased. Oh and yes I am a member of the said church.
I was also under the impression that the pastures were not city owned, but I was not positive, so I never stated it. I like to stick with what I know as facts just to keep the confusion down. I am also a member of Bellaire and I find it totally offensive that this person is trying to discredit the word of a man I know to be honorable. I find her relentless persuit (on many boards) to accomplish this goal revolting and I just could not read it again with out saying so. She has NEVER had a response when confronted with basically calling our pastor a liar... I just will not stand for it anymore.

I think Rachel Deyo Wilson believes "the State" and "the City of Bossier" are one in the same. Maybe we have just created an Epiphany for her.
Now weight just a minut.Rachel mite just be on2 somthin. These pepel just cud be walkin aroun nockin on doors an handing out flyers to our grandmothers! What if they do get quota and then pool?Then whatcha gona do-huh? What about our grandmothers?They could be from the organizion! or the govment!!! Theys rude! This sure is crazy madness alrite and its got to stop right now! Remember it says so in the Louisiana Constitution.
Yes, everyone should beware of this Rachel Wilson person. She has gone from discussion board to discussion board to spread misinformation, rumor and malign one of the pillars in our Christian community Dr Randy Harper. I guess we should all feel sorry for someone who has nothing better to do than to put her nose where it does not belong as she is not a property owner in south Bossier.
Nobody every said the pastor lied. Here's a thought: does anyone know where the drilling location will be once all this is said and done? Look at the aerial photo of section 19. Considering the limited locations that would be appropriate to put a drill could you assume that they won't put a drill dead smack in the middle of golden meadows or could you assume they might want to put it behind golden meadows. Maybe they'll put in the middle of Barksdale blvd. Where do they plan to pump the gas to once they drill. Do they have a local storage tank nearby? Drive down sligo and you'll notice a vast network of natural gas substations, drill, or whatever you call the stuff. Turn in Arkla plant road drive all the way back until you locate natural gas heaven. They started working on something years ago down there and it's big. So if they plan to drill in this area they have to consider a lot of things like available drilling location adjacent to residential property. Also they consider where they plan to put the stuff until they send back on out to your homes and the homes of many others as well. That property in the back is very nice and open. The state can grant the authority to drill on the property with provisions. Now the owners are totally in control of surface no matter what the mineral rights say. So the owners are totally authorized to lease the land for drilling purposes if they want to. So let's say the drilling company wants to use then they must lease it. Another thing there is a river (Flat river) located on the property and it runs a great distance. If anyone does there homework they'll find that all river beds or basins are controlled by the state and the state can authorized the city to lease. So to clarify your question, no I don't think the pastor lied what so ever. I've worked for a litigation attorney before and know how to use the books. Another thing I may not be an property owner but I'm an interest. However my husband owns property in Shreveport which makes me an owner as well so if this group stands for what it claims then we are all apart of the things that go on in this area, even the homeless and forgotten. I gave this information as a concerned citizen not to be taken as evidence but reason. Take it for what it is and use your gut because it doesn't lie to you. God bless you and good day and remember money does buy happiness or achieve love.


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