Everyone in section 19 and surrounding sections. The property behind Golden Meadows known by some as the cow pasture, is owned by Bellaire Baptist Church, right. The church bought it from the City of Bossier in 2004. Louisiana law reserves all rights to property they sale or transfer. This means that a good part of section 19 maybe leased right now. The church has nothing to with the mineral rights that's why no one is able to get any information about the lease. If anyone recalls the announcement by the city recently regarding the approval by city counsel to lease 3,300 acres starting at a bid for $27,500. I do not have a positive confirmation of what that land is but I do know that it's been a mad house is Golden Meadows. I've seen what I think maybe landmen and they are very pushy and rude. They've knocked on doors convincing people to attend a meeting to sign what they described as an independent contract for 5,500 an ace. Considering all the property in the back, a quota could be reached if they succeed in convincing a small portion of homeowners to lease. That could warrant a pool for the rest of the land. Nobody knows how many they've got to sign so please spread the info before something happens. This is not a rumor I've seen them myself and talked to them. If they knock on your door you can bet it's them because the people from the organization have been extremely friendly and have only left flyers at the door, no knocking.

Views: 91

Replies to This Discussion

Me/Rachal does have a couple valid points. The wells cannot be drilled within 500ft of a structure, but what about the pipelines and compressor stations. In Fort Worth, the pipeline companies are exercising rights of eminent domain and locating delivery pipelines in neighborhoods. They are tearing up front and back yards, restricting new building on your own properties, etc. All legal through eminent domain. They can not drill with in 500 ft. but I wonder if they can buy your neighbors house and put a noisy compressor station literaly in your back yard?

I woud like to get some info on this .

Please read this article in The Fort Worth Star Telegram. It will raise an eyebrow or two.

Another link on the pipelines in residential neighborhoods.

And the mother of pipeline links with pictures.


I am just concerned.
Isn't all that addressed when a contract is agreed upon and signed? I mean this is an area that I have no knowledge in...But doesn't a landowner have to agree to a pipeline running through their property?

I need to read up on this.
No these things are not addressed in detail in the standard contract that Twin Cities is signing w/owners. We had our contract reviewed by an exlandman/friend of the family who gave us a list of items that needed to be addressed and added before we were to sign anything! There is a really good post from Kassi about things omitted from the standard contract. Please review before you sign!
I guess I was a little vague on that post. I do understand that this is not addressed in the standard forms being sent out. The standard forms are written by the O&G's and are drawn up to be completely in their best interest...so of course they wouldn't put a provision like that in their standard form of contract.

Let me see if I can rephrase my question... Can a pipeline be put on or under a landowners property without their written consent?

Any contract that I sign will be clear and precise. I will know exactly what I am signing and allowing...If I can stop it, a pipeline won't run under my land...the question is...can I (we) stop it?
I still think this person has a hidden agenda. She sounds as if she is upset she cannot control her Grandmother. God help anyone that does not agree with her. She just gets more ridiculous with every post. She should be ignored, she has nothing to do with south Bossier, and giving her any kind of attention is what she wants. But I am going to respond to her last tirade. She DID call my pastor a liar, she called me and all the congregation who were witness to Dr Harper's announcement liars. I don't appreciate her or anything she has to say. There are all kinds of people in this world, and I for one am grateful she is not related to me. I hope her Grandmother continues to lead her own life and ignore this ranting, intimidating, whining, nosey, obnoxious granddaughter.
I would just as soon see this whole discussion deleted as a wast of space. She has no Bossier Parish interests, and needs mental health care more that leasing information.
I would like the answer to your question myself. It appears like the pipeline companies can through eminent domain rights. Apairently they are doing it in Fort Worth. Not sure how it works.
Ok, I have read a little about eminent domain. Isn't this what was done over by the casinos in Bossier off Teague Parkway? I was over there the other day and they have taken a few more of the houses out and are expanding the road again. Years ago when the casinos came in...didn't a bunch of those houses get bought out or condemned so they could build the casino? I think this is along the same lines.

I haven't read near enough info about eminent domain and how it would pertain to pipelines...but for the moment, I am not too worried.
I think our section is too heavily populated for the oil companies to make any huge piplines thru the middle or in someone's front yard. The only thing I worry about is the traffic and roads once they do start drilling. My parents have land close to the Texas State line that has been drilled on several times in the last 10 years. It was a huge headache for them!!!
In the early 90s a ball park was in the works behind East Meadow. The City of Bossier put on this project and it was and still is called Golden Meadows Park and Community Center (Mary Drive). It was and is a 35.36 acre tract that remains undeveloped. In the early 90s the baseball field project begin but only made it as far as the batting cages when previous neighbor walked the street with a petition to stop the park from further construction. My family and the other residents did not want them to build. The petition worked and the city ordered the construction to stop. The batting cages were the only things that ever saw the light of day in that pasture behind East Meadow. Long after the project stopped the cows returned but the cages were there for the longest time. It was funny watching the cows use the batting cages as a scratching pad. It was funny just to see cows walking around baseball batting cages, too. One day the cages just disappeared. This was all in the early and mid 90s. In 2004 the church purchased that exact same tract of land with a strict ordinance from the city giving permission to build a baseball park for the public to use (minutes aug 3, 2004). This was the only thing the land could be used for. Well, the park never happened and the city knew that it wasn't going to because of the residents petitioned it away in the early 90s. So, the land sat until 2006 when the ordinance was lifted giving the church the ability to use the property to aid in financial matters for the church (minutes oct 2006). Now to this day you can look at www.bossiercity.org. Click on metropolitian planning commision, click on Bossier Master Plan, click on chapter 6 parks and open spaces. Read the entire thing especially note the part listing all the parks within the city. Golden Meadows Park and Community Center (Mary Drive). Mary drive is a circle crosses East Meadow to the cow pasture and of course ends. All this data is from 2008. So I'm not entirely mistaken about the property.


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