There is one well in process in this section at the present. I have heard that there are possibly going to be from 1-5 more wells in the same section or close proximity. Does anyone know anything about this?
Also, does anyone know the latest on the well being drilled at the present in this section?

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Trisha, that is the only well that has been permitted in the immediate area. The well as of 5/11 had reached 11742 ft and the rig would have started drilling the lateral. It will likely be early June before the well reaches total depth (~ 18000 ft).

Eventually there will likely be multiple wells (up to 8?) in each section in this area of the Haynesville Shale play but that would take several years to fully develop.

Samson, Wood 30 #H1 Well, Serial #239551, S30-T14N-R9W, Spud - 4/12/09, Bracky Branch Field
Les-Do you envision the likelyhood that there will eventually be multiple wells like you mention in the Martin field, in particular T-13N-R8W? Or is it too soon to tell that far south/east? Are there pipeline plans to get the product from these fields to the proposed Tiger pipeline? Many thanks again for sharing your knowledge.
RB, I would say it is too early for T13N-R8W & T12N-R8W in Red River Parish as no wells have been drilled in those areas. I believe EnCana will be testing those areas before mid-2010 since they have quite a bit of expiring leases. Hopefully T13N-R8W will have similar characteristics to the rest of the Martin Field and should have 6-8 wells per section.

I don't have any specific information on the plans for piplines connecting to the new Tiger Pipeline. EnCana could either install the pipeline system or contract with a 3rd party to install and operate the connecting pipeline. I will be on the lookout for any announcements by EnCana on that topic.
Encana permitted a well in T13N-R8W last week in the Martin Field. It will probably be the farthest well to the east so far, but not sure. It will be the Leroy Adcock 17H well.
Highwayman, yes that well would be the farthest east if and when drilled. Currently that honor goes to the following well:

EnCana, Charles H Goben #1 Well, Serial #236929, S19-T13N-R8W
Les B,
Thanks for your response and the information!! Gosh I wish I were younger so maybe I could enjoy more of this awesome shale play. I am 56 and do look forward to enjoying some of the benefits, although I have had some major health problems, such as cancer 7 yrs. ago. , fx. shoulder last Dec. and on and on!!
Thanks Again and please keep me updated. You know how anxious I get, ha.
Does anyone know what is going on with the Charles Goben Well? I haven't heard or received any royalties in quite some time. What's up?
Robin, Sonris shows this well is still producing natural gas. The latest production information was 3784 Mcf in March 2010.



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