Can anyone tell me the possibility of gas being on my acreage which is 1/4 mile from a neighbor that EOG is drilling and all indications are that they have hit something. They are now installing pipes underground to transport the gas. Just wanted to know how close productive wells can be and would it be advantageous for EOG to purchase my lease. New to the game, so some of this maybe trivial, but curious, all the same. Thank you.

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What survey are you in? Is the well you are speaking of the Gammage well? if so any word on how good it was? There has been a lot of discusion regarding this well on the site. If you search gammage you can read some good discussions.
I'm not sure of the survey, but it is about 7 miles east of Nacogdoches. I just spoke with my neighbor and he says they haven't told him anything, but we can see all the underground pipes being laid today and can hear all the rig pipes as they are "tripping" on the rig floor....this has been going on for over a week. I don't think they would b e laying underground pipes if they had not hit something decent, yes?
The gammage is farther East almost on the San Augustine County line.
Was your acreage leased previously by Chesapeake? which survey? Which EOG well?-would think they would want to lease you



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