First, I would like to say thank you for your posts and your time. Being new to this I am still in the learning process. So please be patient with my question.

When my husband and I purchased our property in 2005, the previous owner stated that the mineral lease had expired and that he was letting the mineral rights go with the property he was not going to renew. (Our deed does state that we are given ALL rights and that there are no other agreements concerning this transaction). My question is: Can these mineral rights be "held in production" thus extending the lease and are we obligated in anyway to this lease that had expired.--
We have never been contacted by the leasing/drilling company in anyway either with money or approached about a lease and from what I have been able to find out it is extremely poor producing well.

Again, please be patient with my question as I am new to this and I do sincerely appreciate your input.

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No, as I stated this is all new to me. It seems I have my homework to do. Thanks for your input
The previous owner is out of town, is there an alternate way to get a copy of the lease as it pertains to the land we now own.
yes,that is our next step. I do have a copy of the parcel listing, giving me deed number, book number and page--I just hope that it is simple once we find it.
Mr. McCullough, if you are in Sabine or DeSoto Parishes I may can run it for you online.
Sorry, I see from the title to your post that you are in Webster Parish, I don't have access to that site.
I looked at the Webster Clerk of Courts page they do have an online system to access but you have to pay a setup fee as well as a monthly maintenance fee. It looks like I will be going to the court house myself.
at this point I only have enough information to cause the use of more Advil. lol
Have you contacted the production company to see if the lease has been renewed? or to advise them the land has changed hands?



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Posted by Keith Mauck (Site Publisher) on November 20, 2024 at 12:40

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