Not too bad I suppose.

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Is this a horizontal shale well? Seems low.
It is a horizontal.

True Vertical depth 11,476
Measured Depth 15,852

I assume they have this well choked back. Someone told me the IP was around 8,000 per day. Section 11, T11N, R15W is doing around 4,000 a day. I would suppose it will potential around 5,000 when Sonris updates. I dont think we will see massive HA wells coming out of this area however with a decent acreage position someone will see nice royalty checks.

If anyone one is wondering these wells are located in the Logansport Field. I would say between Mansfield and Logansport. This may add some weight to the HA area as depicted on the Encana HA map
Seems very low to me too.
20 dollars a day? On the first well I figure they are making over 9k a day minus royalty payments. That is figured on 3 dollar gas. Which we all know Is far below what CHK is selling their gas for. Yes sorry these numbers are mcf. I suppose if it was in mmcfe/day it would be 5 mmcfe/day?
I'm obviously confused. Are we talking about 3000 mcf equivalent per day, which would mean 3 million per day?
You are correct 3000 MCFE is the same as 3 million per day.

you musta took your math classes at NSU's Maggio Lab. eh?
I did! Seems like I flunked 15 out of 17 hours while sipping a lot of IWC sweet vino with some other less than stellar math whizzes. Obviously, I didn't learn my oilfield terminology either! But maybe it's not too, late to learn to count a little royalty money.
Before HS, about the only gas terminology I knew about was the kind you take Malox for.
Yeah Lanadan--but before NSU , He got a good education in math under John Rayburn.

What's the word -- THUNDERBIRD !
What's the price -- THIRTY, TWICE !

Too-o-o-o expensive for us NSU po'-boy down-an'-outers.

A half pint of Sweet Vino (with that wonderful "bouquet" of rotten raisins,) could be had for 20 cents chillled or 15 cents warm off the shelf ! I think you needed to have a clothes pin ready to put on your nose as a survival tool 'cause it DID smell raunchy !!

What's the word -- THUNDERBIRD !
What's the price -- THIRTY, TWICE !

Too-o-o-o expensive for us NSU po'-boy down-an'-outers.

A half pint of Sweet Vino (with that wonderful "bouquet" of rotten raisins,) could be had for 20 cents chillled or 15 cents warm off the shelf ! I think you needed to have a clothes pin ready to put on your nose as a survival tool 'cause it DID smell raunchy !!



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