Oil & Gas production companies witness meter calibrations & sampling and sometimes audit records of companies they sell to, to make sure they are getting paid correctly. My question is, who is the rep. for the land owner? Who is making sure the measurement is correct and the land owner is getting his share? Does anyone know of a company that provides this service?

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Louisiana Office Of Conservation
I know this is one of the purposes of this branch; but, how effective can LOC be. Do they witness calibrations and samples to be sure its being done properly? Do they review flow calculations to see that all factors are being applied correctly? Do they inspect locations to see that fuel gas is being measured? I dont think the measurement or I&E people would do anything illegal. It can easily be a matter of ignorance. I think the O&G companies should be held to as high a standard as the companies they sell to. Looking at some of the measurement equipment I have seen, they are not; though some hold themselves to a high standard. It seems to me there should be an independent who can do the leg work on a regular basis (not just when a problem is caught) to ensure things are being done right. Its better to catch these things early than many years down the road when records are lost, people have left the area, companies have changed hands, lawyers have to be hired, etc.


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