Has there been any unleased landowner revenue in N. DeSoto yet?

Hi shalers, I haven't been on the site much in the past few months so this question may have been already discussed, but I was wanting to know if any landowners that went unleased and rode down well completions in their sections have had any luck getting revenues started and if so what did it take to get the producer to cooperate and start payment. The Nelson 18H-1 should be near or past pay out and is paying to larger leased landowners but I, as expected, have not had any response from Chesapeake.

Tags: DeSoto, Has, N., any, been, in, landowner, revenue, there, unleased, More…yet?

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It was indeed refreshing to read your entry pertaining to this UMI/UMO business. Please go to the blog I AM UMI and look at my post there. I get sick and tired of some idiot trying to get folks to believe that an UMO is a greedy, no-good scoundral who is in it just for the money. Honor and integrity above all else, wouldn't you say ?

A simple request -- would you please expound on the " . . . costs that are applicable to an UMI . . . " . Any response would be deeply appreciated.
Hey lanadan,

Thanks for your comments, and I did go to your post. Hooray! there's another woman on this site that speaks her mind as she sees fit. Some people don't seem to like you so much if you disagree with their view, but as you said...honor and integrity above all else. I also noticed you either are from Stanley or your property is there. So we are neighbors, too. Man, I love good neighbors!!
Anyway, about the "costs that are applicable to an UMI", I do as I said have tons of information on my computer, and before I wrote that I searched for those docs in the time I had that day (I just got back from vacation to water leaking for 2 weeks in my house as well as electrical problems, and a notice to appear to protest my property taxes here 2 days later). I don’t like puttiing anything on the site that I can’t immediately give answers to, but I was in a pinch for time. So, I will look for that information the second I get these other “fires” under control, and will be happy to send it along. I have gotten a whole extra 3 days to work on the tax protest here, so when that’s over, I will get back to you. I also have a family member that has done a lot of research too, so I’ll see if they have any addt’l info.
I forgot to mention that even though I signed a lease almost 3 years ago, I also told the next landman that called me about leasing my property in Bossier exactly where to go and DO NOT dial my number again. He didn't. So I am also an UMI/UMO in another parish. I recently read on another legal site that LA law is partial to leaseholders, then today I got an assessment notice from Bossier Parish and after 25 + years my taxes for 2009 went up 359%. Yes, 359%!! It's just a handful of acreage, there is no house, no improvements, no utilities, all hardwood and pine was cut several years ago, and never reseeded (by a passed relative), there is not even access to the property except through the landowner next to me. I live out of town and I got 30 days notice to appeal on my unleased property, hmmmm.
Hey Twomule, it's good to see you're still on here, how are things going with your land? I appreciate your memory and your support. Between work time, computer problems and slow dial up service, I have not been on the site much but I'm about to get broadband and I hope to be back with a vengance. It's good to see that alot of the old gang are still active and keeping goHS alive. It has been frustrating to say the least trying to deal with Chesapeake and waiting for the Nelson well to hit payout so I can get in hot persuit of them again. I don't know what they are thinking but Hades will be frozen over and the devil will be sporting a goosedown jacket before I give up and go away. Probably the most dishearting and frustrating part is how little help and support we unleased mineral owners are getting from our state officials and the offices that are paid for by our tax dollars which are suppose to be set up to protect and serve US. But every dog has it's day and my understanding is that those positions are appointed by the Governor and he is gonna want our vote and support again one day in the next couple of years and we have a STRONG goHS network to get our agenda out so I hope all the state and local government offficals remember that!!
Hello again BARBARA'S MA,

Trinidad (CHK) has recently completed drilling a well in my section (with no problems that I am aware of ), it's been frac'd and is now being tied into a pipeline.

I need ALL the info I can get hold of to fight this battle. PLEASE do help out by sharing your info and insights regarding this UMO business. I will, of course, do the same. It has been said before, and it is indeed so true, that knowledge IS power !

Perhaps one of the greatest movie lines of all time comes from the movie "NETWORK" where the guy yells out " . . . I'm mad as H___, an' I won't take it anymore . . . " !

I will be anxiously awaiting your response.

p.s. -- I used to run bare-foot when Roberts Road was just mud and gravel ! That's how old I am. LOL
Barbara's Ma and Lanadan, thanks for your input on this discussion, I will try to look into and research the info you mention B.Ma, I feel like there are alot more small unleased mineral owners than folks realize and this is a problem that almost all of them will face sooner or later. I feel the gas producers think that most will just eventually get tired and frustrated and go away, but my hope is that not one of us will do that. It just flies right in the face of how most of us were raised, my parents, though they are gone now, would not rest knowing that their son rolled over and let some big shot gas company take one ounce of anything from him without a fight. Just bully their way in, push and shove, doze up land, drill and pollute, make noise and disturb rest day and night, get richer off the blessings of our land and just walk away, brushing the dust and mud off their boots and march on to trod over the next little guy.

Well, it ain't gonna work that way with me and with ya'll either I'm sure! It disgust me to have to hear that the best advice my state officials can give is "Well, we suggest you get an attorney". Fine, I have talked to and will get an attorney but I feel like with all the laws and codes that are on the book, we shouldn't have to get an attorney every time something like this happens, we should be able to expect the people we ALREADY pay to represent and defend us. That's kinda like coming home to find you house has been robbed, call the local law and instead of coming to investigate, protect and defend, they tell you "Well, all we can tell you is get an attorney", or you call your local electric, gas or water supplier and tell them you have no service and need help, "Well, we suggest you sit there, cold, hot, thirsty, dirty, whatever, and call an attorney".
To me it is the opposite of what we should have to do; where I grew up, most folks don't call an attorney until they have done something wrong. "Hello, Mr. Attorney, I got drunk and acted ignorant and broke into someone's house last night, I have been advised to call an attorney.
"I decided to put my 9th grade science class to good use, I built a crack lab, used all kinds of household chemicals and created a witch's brew that made the whole party sick, I think I need to call an attorney".
"I got a wild hair, bought a drilling rig, drilled a hole, stole minerals from innocent, defenseless landowners over a 640 acre area, got rich doing it, I have all my paid off buddies in Baton Rouge on my side, but I was advised to call an attorney!"
I have a question for you that have reserched this so much. I am working in a section that has shallow production. The shallow production is HBP. The question being, there are land owners that have a depth clause. Now the shallow producer ( BP) has permited a HS well and not leased the deep rights, would they be considered an UMI/UMO or would they just be paid on the lease they signed for the shallow rights?
Rick, I was just reading about your situation and was wondering how you were coming on your umo problem. I think I will be having the same type of trouble from Chesapeake on the section next to yours.

Please read my reply to Rick. Can you let me know your experience with Chesapeake?

An update for you on Chesapeake and UMO's - Division Orders were sent to me in December (I am leased). Orders for unlocated UMO's were sent to my address also. I still have all the orders; never signed or sent to Chesapeake. The orders say if not received by Dec. 20, 2009, the payment will be sent in whatever month in which the D.O.'s are received before the 20th day of that month. I just received a royalty check for the first 3 months production date December 29, 2009. All information I've seen says 'no D.O. - no royalty payment', leased or unleased. I've also read about how difficult Chesapeake has been on the royalty payment issue, so I want to know what gives here. I know this sounds unusual - usually everybody wants a check, but there are some ownership issues here and the check is not for the correct amount of property I own and leased.
Hi Rick, I'm new to this site and doing alot of listening for now. Samson contacted me about 15 days after they had started drilling, wonting to lease minerals on a small track that I own in the section. I agree with the comment the gentleman made about wonting something for nothing but from my prospective its not the landowner thats wonting it. After reading the other replys I feel much better about remaining UMI/UMO and hopefully at some point in the near future I will be able to pass along some useful information that some other UMI/UMO may find helpful.


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