Hey guy's , I got this question posed to me at our meeting and I didn't have a clue. I told the gentleman that I would find out so here goes.

Between Doyline and Sibley there are these signs on the side of the road. Well Head Protection Area. I have heard that it is in regards to the aquafir and being cautious as this is a recharging area. I guess my question would be , How or would this have any affect on drilling activity in this area?

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Outstanding El Paso Tech A1, Thanks for the wealth of info you have given this thread. Thanks to everyone! We must be cautious concerning the environment that we will continue to live in after this is all said and done!
In Louisiana the Department of Transportation is responsible for water resources:
The DOTD has control of the construction of the water well. The protection of the well is provided by the DEQ.
That is true. I just think you need to know where to find information from start to finish.
But how would having this well head protection area affect drilling....O&G pros???
I apologize if this is not the response you are looking for, since I am not an "O&G pro", but I see the protected area as having minimal impact. With every well to be drilled, a permit must be issued. Before that permit is granted, it must pass rigorous inspection by the state. Much like the well is not permissible within a certain distance of buildings, it also will not be permissible within a given distance of an existing water well. Even if the water well site was not protected under the Waste Water Protection Plan, the likelihood of an O&G Company obtaining a permit, that would endanger a water source, is marginal.
I read through the DEQ website and here is what I found:

Wellhead Protection Program and the Drinking Water Protection Program are pretty much the same thing:
“…Drinking Water Protection Area signs will be placed on the highways where they cross the boundaries of wellhead protection areas. These signs replace the Wellhead Protection Area signs that still remain on some highways. All of the signs will eventually be replaced.”

Program is not regulatory at the state level--seems more educational. Communities are designated as participants in the program (and thus have signs posted) once they are assessed and show capabilities for drinking water protection, i.e. contingency plans, public awareness programs, etc.

DEQ deos recommend the adoption of local ordinances:
“DEQ recommends that communities pass drinking water protection ordinances and consider the location of public water supplies in planning and zoning activities. DEQ can provide maps in electronic or hard copy format to planning and zoning boards that show where wells and drinking water intakes are located and the extent of the drinking water protection area around each well or intake.”

Their sample ordinance grandfathers exisiting businesses, but RECOMMENDS PROHIBITING A CLASS II WELL within a 1000 foot radial boundary from any water well serving an active public water system.

CLASS II WELL: Wells used to inject fluids associated with the production of oil and natural gas or fluids and compounds used for enhanced hydrocarbon recovery. These wells normally inject below the deepest underground source of drinking water (USDW) except in cases where the USDW contains producible quantities of oil or gas.

There is a DEQ list of jurisdictions with approved ordinances. It may or may not be current, but it DOES NOT LIST ANYTHING FOR WEBSTER PARISH.

Hope this helps with the discussion.
If Shreveport isn't a real city , then I guess Doyline is out of the question.We only got about 285 people in the city limits plus 117 landmen.
From the EPA, underground injection control program criteria & standards.



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