Anyone here know if any property in Section 2, Township 12, Range 13 has been leased? I live out of state and have to rely on information from you guys. We have family property in this section, I have been told by a relative that we have not received any offers. If you do to whom was it leased. Any info will be much appreciated.

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Randy, I am not sure if all property in this section is leased or not. Some maybe held by production. I noticed that Jeems Bayou reworked the oil well and started it up a while back. I am refering to the well next to the old Town and Country school. There has been alot of leasing activity by Petro Hawk in section 3
I heard Petrohawk was leasing in the area. Anyone know how much $$$$$$ ?
I cannot speak to your exact area, but I know Petrohawk has been offering anywhere between $3k and $5k per acre, with 25% royalty, in the southern parts of DeSoto Parish.
Are those considered fair prices or should the owner hold out for more?
I'll let others advise you on what's fair. Everyone has their own definition of "fair." It all depends on how much you want the money now, vs. taking a chance on a better number in the future. Not knowing your financial situation, I won't even think of advising you. Having said that.....

If you are thinking of leasing, do a bit of homework, and read over the many discussions on this site about what items to include in your lease. There are many things like cost-free royalties (i.e., no deductions for things like dehydration, transportation, etc.), no warranty of title, no surface use, vertical Pugh clause, and many more items you might find useful. Regardless of bonus and royalty, it is important to get the lease terms right too. Your lease will run for 50+ years. You only get one chance to get it right.



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