If you get drilled or leased in San Augustine in 2009 post it here. Give all the details you can...... This might give everyone in SA an idea when things start picking back up.

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Candi, Look at these two docs attached below and they will explain a little as to the plans for the joint venture agreement between Southwestern, Common, and Cabot and their area of mutual interest agreement. Good to stay on top of it. Try to find the blog regarding keeping a mineral file. It is sort of a to-do list for keeping up on what you should do to protect and track your interests. Also, keep in mind that when the company wants you to sign a lease they will always give you the rosy scenerio....lots of rigs and as many wells as you can imagine. It more than likely will get drilled at some point but there are a number of variables that go into that decision and the price of gas and lease expirations are two of the most prominent. Just remember to try and keep a good perspective and educate yourself as much as possible. This site is the perfect place to do both.
Wow, that paperwork looks absolutely nothing like what my lease looks like They have said we need to send a certified copy of the wills and death certificates and , court papers from 40 to 50 years ago and all kinds of other papers, documents, etc. it is costing alot of out of pocket money. am i right in assuming maybe we should not be having to all of this stuff?
The documents I attached are not an oil and gas lease. They are an agreement to conduct exploration between companies. I attached them so you could get an idea of what southwestern is doing in San Augustine county. Your lease will look different. As for the paperwork that they are asking for, you would think that they would have access to all of it through public records but maybe something slipped through the cracks. If you need help their are site sponsors that do personal title work. It couldn't hurt to talk to them to see if they can help. Skip Peel is one you can contact. He will probably direct you to a great land/title service in TX as he is in LA. Sometimes there is some out of pocket costs but in my opinion it is better to have the cost now and get it out of the way rather than for the entirety of the lease/operating term.
All of the OGs you should consider trade on the exchange. Never take less that 25% and an average of $5000-$6000 per acre; delayed rental clause; etc. Southwest will never pay much per acre. Try Devon, Encana, or XTO.
Good Luck
I don't think you will get those big bucks down here in deep east texas. Encana is gone.. XTO want pay this and I know Devon won't.
The OG's have prices fixed in futures at $9-$12.00 through 2012.
Why do you think they all want confidentiality clauses in their leases?
Certainly not because they are paying $500-$1000 an acre.
San Augustine is no longer a non proven county.
Don't buy into this intimidation.
Cheerleader, you are a master at dis-information. I have leased my fair share of acreage in this county, as well as others, and I have no earthly idea what a "confidentiality clause" is...can you please enlighten me?

And I am also very excited about the prices being "fixed" in futures at $9-$12 through 2012...please tell me where I can find this information, as it flies in the face of every economic prediction I have read in the last three months.

And no one is paying 5k - 6k for leases any more, that train left the station many months ago...but I give you credit for trying to hype it up :)
My family has several holdings in San Augustine County where the language of the lease is that "we may not disclose the the leasing company, Landmen involved in the lease, the amount of the bonus paid or % of well held in the lease, nor the exact locations of said leases" as part of a "confidentiality clause" .... "any disclosure can/will result in significant fines/penalties"
I checked with our Lawyer and he stated that as written and signed we are under a "non-disclosure clause to protect the leasing companies confidentiality"
They gave us a 'little' extra up front... but it is one of those, "I really wish I had not signed" agreements.
Thanks Bill R for confirming the obvious to OGMladvisor. But I am sorry you are not happy with your lease. I think this is why we aren't receiving more postings, on this site, regarding amounts of leasing bonuses. The OG's are attempting to intimidate all of us.
Ogmladvisor & Cheerleader...

Not sure how to reply without violating the 'language' of the agreement. As I said I had our lawyer (located in Oregon), who deals in contract law look it over and he said, "while unsure of Texas laws dealing with it, that it is a legal and binding document with the 'company' upon our signing and notorizing of the paperwork"...
The 'non-disclosure' document was an 'addendum au moratorium' that required it to be signed, nortorized and attached for the lease to be valid...
I know that the 'company' is reading 'gohaynesvilleshale' because they contacted me already "over a possible breach of contract based on the terms of the agreement" for dancing around saying their actual name in earlier post by my saying whom it was not...
Threat was that I could loose (forfeit) up to 10% of the agreed percentage of the said lease agreement, plus a fine (reimbrusment to the company) of up to 50% of the 'Bonus monies' paid to date...
That is when I talked to our Lawyer and he stated under the terms we signed, I could not 'disclose' any information without first contacting the 'company' and gaining their 'permission in writing'
Cheerleader, I have not seen any information indicating anyone has prices fixed at that level. Quite the contrary, most companies have only hedged part of their 2010 production and that is at ~ $6.00 per MMBtu.
Les B,
Try, for one, Linn Energy. Through 2012.


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