Petro Hawk through Red River Oil and Gas back out of deal in Grand Cane

Petro Hawk through Red River Oil and Gas back out of deal in Grand Cane claiming that an entire section in Ranchland Acres is HBP from a well in another section!!!! We guess that Chesapeake who has also been leasing in the same section does not know what they are doing.

So can anyone explain how one can hold by production rights in one section with a well that is in another section?

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More than likely, the subject lease is an older vintage lease and described several tracts of land. Without seeing the lease, it is probable that this lease did not contain what is commonly called a "pugh" clause. Production was obtained that affected one of the tracts described on the lease. Because of the fact that this lease most probably does not contain a pugh clause, the operator is able to hold the rights to all acreage described on the subject lease even though production is affecting only one of the tracts described on the lease. It doesn't matter if it is only 1 acre that is affected by the production. As long as there is production affecting any portion of any of the acreage described on the subject lease and if the lease does not contain a pugh clause, the the operator can maintain the lease in its entirety.

The Lessee does have an obligation to "fully develop" all of the acreage covered by the lease. Should you feel that they are not fulfilling their obligation to fully develop your lease, you can send a demand letter requesting that they release the remainder of the non-unitized or non-producing acreage.
Section 1, t13n,r15w

Can you provide any information for Section 2 of the same Township/Range?
This is not the same area, but do you mind looking at T16 R13 Sec 04. Supposedly Pinnacle has leases held in production, but the production has not been consistient. Thanks.
Could you comment on the amount offered by PetorHawk on Section 1 (before they determined it was HBP)? Thanks.



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Posted by Keith Mauck (Site Publisher) on November 20, 2024 at 12:40

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