Can anyone advise me as to if Section 17, T-11 R-15 has been formally unitized. I believe Chesapeake had made such requests, but, was not sure if they had been formally approved by the State.
Understand that Seismic crews have been at work in this section, but, no word on any prospects of drilling at this time; 60 acres leased to CHK off 191 at present.
Any updates greatly appreciated.

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shelby. Yes, Section 17 is a Chesapeake unit. The unit application hearing was May 28.
Thanks for verifying; we're anxious to see them start drilling in this section. I guess well permit applications would be the 1st signs to look for when CHK prepares to drill?
You're welcome, shelby. You can check newly issued drilling permits on line at:

Good Luck.
Hey Shelby- how you doing? I am over in 18 right next to you. 19 was drilled and came in good from all accounts. dont know how much yet. Its hard to get any info out of the company men. 20 is completed. 10 is completed. 22 was ruined, but they moved over 25 ft and are started drilling another haynesville. One of the land owners told me that a company man told him that 22 that was ruined tested potential at 23 million per day. I am just telling you what he told me. I have not seen any kind of production reports yet. 16 is permitted and ready to be drilled, probably from the same pad that did section 10. 17 is coming and 18 want be far behind it. Pipeline is being layed everywhere. The rain has got the pipeline slowed down right now. Also section 15 has sent division orders out. They sould be getting paid in 30-45 more days. This is all in 11-15.
Good to hear from you; thanks for all the updates that surround T-11 R-15 development. I hope with all the improved pipeline & infrastructure that CHK opts to produce and take the gas to market from these areas, rather than just drilling to hold. Hope to make it out that way soon, will be sure to look you up.
Hey, I'm in section 26 and am wondering how to find out about production. I think the well went on in August. Can anyone tell me how to find out?
Is this Sec19? I am in Sec19 t14 r14. Will that be any news for me or another 19?



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