For all the folks getting a little warm from all the flames coming out of the big secret "Messenger", post anything you want to here. Keep it clean!, and if you are South of Messenger, get ready, good luck, and let's move that Mason Dixon line to the Gulf Coast.

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Two Dogs, somewhere I think I read where you said you were in the o/g drilling business, If so you are sure to get back here. The big players are saying there will be over 50,000 wells drilled into the Haynesville Shale before it is finished.
I am a Landman.
Then you will be back, just have big pockets when you come.

Like I said before, thanks in advance for your help .
I'm not playing in the shale other than to tell the land owners to only lease the shale. There are many formations above the shale and who knows whats below it, so make sure to save the shallow rights and deeper rights.
I've left a message for haynesville to see if we can revive that discussion or not.

It is so odd and is ashame to lose the information that was on the discussion.
Man this sucks. I hate to see one of our main sources for this well gone! Recon the O&G guys got to him? Thoough some info he gave may of been untrue at least he did try. No one else really seemed to know anything about this well at least no more than he did. We are starting to get those Topix Trolls who only like to pick things apart like wolves.
over on topix gizbeau they would trash pat todd and call him names and such. i know nothing about pat todd however, i know that his commentary whether it could be proven or not he tried to be as accurate as possible on a well that otherwise has been a mystery to all of us waiting to find out any progress on it. Some of the commentary last night specifically was very specific and pertinent to the ongoing progress to date and now its all lost. I can only hope that if we can't retrieve the discussion (waiting on haynesville to tell us) then the posters from last evening will keep the ball rolling and add to the discussion presently started anew.

natch n3
Amen! I still agree with pat on the Messenger after talking to my son. He is tool pushing for Nabors drilling and should know a little about it. All he drills are gas wells. He is not into production, just punches the holes for those guys, but he does know the drilling process.
Thank you Natch N3 and Gizbeau. I am at a lost where the threads went. There are also other threads missing. No one has gotten to me and I could care less if any of the powers to be would try. I have reasons for interest in the Messenger well. First of all, I half grew up out there on my Grandfathers farm and love the area. I was in college when they drilled the first well close to the current. My family has close to 270 across the fence from this well. Finally, I happen to like keeping up and I have also been trying to help others lease land in T10 R8 which is the township just east of this well. The good news is that some of 10-8 is going to be leased very soon and I know the lawyer who is handling this transaction. I too hope to be involved since I have personally contacted almost ever landowner who is not leased and have their information from the assessors office ready if they choose to lease. I printed an appology when I posted something that turned out wrong. Other than that, I have tried like everyone else to put out the best possible info I can. The big companies don't want anyone to know what is going on because it affects the price they pay to the landowner. I am willing to help anyone out there that I can included you, father of the year. I do feel you owe me an appology for jumping the gun!
From the other thread, which I will now delete:

My apologies for the outlandish comment and for assuming that you deleted all of your posts. It is indeed possible for someone to delete a thread that he has started, which I can prove by deleting this thread, if you would like.

Anyway, if you didn't delete the threads, someone needs to ask "Haynesville" how much ECA paid him to delete your threads.
And you can now see that I, FOTL, the originator of the other thread regarding PT, Jr.'s deleted threads, have deleted that other thread in its entirety.
Thank You Father of the Year!



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