Click boxs on left, also some will show a toggal box to add more info.

Use the task bar upper right to zoom etc.

Good luck


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I can't get to it by this link.

I went to DNR page and counldn't find it.

Where do you go from their page?
I still cant get there with the hyper-link.

I did find it though under the GIS. I haven't looked at the GIS lately because I thought it would be to hard to view with all of the other wells.

Boy, this can't be good for landmen.
parker what is it that you have found?
I found the map that he is talking about.

I can't get to it using his link, but if you go to SONRIS, then open the GIS link on the left, then you can check off Haynesville units.

This is the part that I usually go to.

I've looked at the GIS before also, but this is just great.
Parker most landmen know how to use Sonris. What did you find that amazed you?
I am not a landman.

What amazed me was being able to see the Haynesville units.

I have looked at SONRIS for a while now, but didn't look at any of the Hayneville information.

I figured it would be layered in with all of the other wells. I don't have enough knowledge to filter out all of the other wells.

It makes it hard for anyone to say, that you are not in the play if you are right in the middle of so many existing and proposed units.

When I said "can't be good for landmen", I meant it can't be good for landmen that are trying to be misleading.

Sorry, I keep saying I know not all landmen are dishonest. And here I went and put all landmen in the same basket.

No offense meant to the good ones. Too many on here that I have come to respect.
Any other bells and whistles that you've found on SONRIS are much appreciated.

I am 100% addicted to learning as much as I can.
Parker, I have said all along that this thing is way bigger than what the "Big Boys" are saying. They have few bullets to put in their guns to come back at the landowners with, ie you are on the fringe and we are going to stop leasing and start drilling or move to another area. They only thing I have is my reputation and the trust my past Lessors have in me. The ones that I bought to China have a ligitimate gripe, my only answer to them is that didn't know of the shale at that time.
I have no gripe with someone who didn't know unless they stated otherwise.

Some of these guys are shooting themselves and the E&P in the foot. There are good reasons to sign a lease without being lied to.
I have said this in the past , several times after one of my boiling off sessions. Even tho right now, being a landman is could be considered a questionable trade , the main guy's that have caused the problems for legit landmen are the clowns that have been doing this for 6 months.Or at least have that mentality.

If someone catches another with their hand in the cookie jar , it is difficult to relenquish that thought even tho not everybody will stick their hand in your cookie jar. Anytime the perseption is made that you stand between a person and their money , you will not be smiled upon. There were some terrible things that happened early on in this play , that while perfectly legal , left a horrendous taste in the mouths of us commoners ! That will undoubtedly follow most every landman to their grave, even tho they may have had absolutely nothing to do with what happened. Thats just life. For many years the high flying , jet riding lifestyle of the big O&G types were the envy of many a hard working soul. Those days appear to be gone , at least for a while. Tho unfortunate for the ones that have a clean plate in this play , thats just how the ball roles. Thank you Two Dogs for your input on this ite. Even tho you stand between a man and his money , it is a spot that someone must fill for this transaction to take place. It might as well be you. Have a good one.



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