You will be happy to know that I have discovered who offered to lease my mothers property in Caddo- Kouga Energy- I spoke with the representative today and they are offering $1000 an acre and one fifth royalty. Our lease expires with CHK Jan 20th. My husband, who is in the oil business has never heard of this company and I was not able to find anything about them on the internet. The rep did say that they had leased in this area. Any of you out there ever heard of this company????

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Be careful in what you do. Sounds like small change to me but I would have to look at what they were buying.
As leasing slows due to economic constraints, new companies will be seeking to join the play. I hope that someone with knowledge of Kouga Energy may reply to your post. However, if you can't google them, I would be CAREFUL. Never heard of them.
I looked in Bossier and can't find one lease of record to Kouga.
Parker there is a broker named Kuba or something. Don't remember but he was trying to hire landmen several months ago on
Does your lease have an option to extend with CHK?
No, we do not have an option to extend with CHK. They let a lease expire in my section in June. 200 acres. We have 91 acres.

There is a long time between now and June.

I would not sign a lease to some unknown. They could be completely legitimate. And then again they could just plan on flipping the lease.


After all of the problems that others have experienced, you can avoid the pitfalls by having a good attorney to advise you.


Count your blessings that this time you will be able to enter into a contract well advised and well informed. Many of us would gladly trade places with you.
Parker, Our lease expires in January. CHK did not renew a lease in our section of 200 acres that expired in June. We have several friends who are landmen and have looked over our current lease and said it was a standard lease. If we should receive a new lease would you recommend these friends or go with an attorney? We turned down a top lease offer from Encana in May for $2500 an acre. Right now that looks pretty good. Damn if you do and damn if you dont!!!! Im thinking Kugua is in to flipping leases. The rep did mention something about CHK approaching them and wanting to drill on our property and they would tell them OK. I was not impressed at all with the rep and he didnt seem to know alot. I would like for others to know about this company in case they are approached. We would never lease to an unknown.
A standard lease DOESN'T protect YOU.
go with an Oil & Gas attorney, not an attorney who claims to know the industry (big difference). You landman friends did not do you justice if they advised you to sign a "standard lease".
Even though money is obviously tight for CHK as regards leasing, I can't imagine them letting a lease on 200 acres in the core expire unless it simply "slipped through the cracks". What Township and Range is the tract in? Could it be that CHK has decided that it is out of the play?
Could not find any mention of any organization using the name "Kouga" on sonris.



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