Cody Mayo Jr. was hired to represent our family we have a total of (160) acres. I just learned that he is an accountant and tax attorney. I did not hire this attorney but my aunts did. I want to make sure that we have the right guy representing our family. Please share any information about this guy.

Thank you...

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Hi Rozzy, I saw your question and I am not familiar with this attorney but having been on this site for awhile, I have seen several well informed members recommend sticking with a bonafide oil and gas attorney for this HS dealing.
I have noticed Kassi from this site recommend a guy named Randal Davison, I think his name was. She has been working with several groups of landowners and has had alot of dealings with O&G's and attornies and he is the one she has mentioned the most.
I would encourage you and your family to consider an O&G specialist especially since ya'll have a large land holding, with 160 acres (1/4) of a unit, that is enough for 2 wells HS wells on ya'lls portion alone and should have commanded a large signing bonus comparative to the areas south of ya'll where DeSoto Parish got over $27,000 an acre. So if the lawyer ya'll have didn't get ya'll a similar offer, I probably wouldn't trust him on the rest of this either and also be sure your family is NOT agreeing to a percentage of ya'lls future royalties.
I know how dealing with aunts, uncles, cousins and other family can be, but it's time now for you and other young guns in the family to step up and make sure that your future is secure in this cause after all, once you sign and a well is producing, your property is held by production possibly for the rest of your life!
From looking at some of your other info on here, I see you are in Sect 18, 12N, 14W; and from checking the Sonris site I noticed that DeSoto Oil and Gas Trust has a well on it's property, serial #237259 that went to 12,179 ft which should put it in the HS area but most of the HS wells in the Stonewall area are going 17-18000 ft with 11500 or so in the vertical and the balance in the horizontal, so 12,179 ft might be another zone; the well is drilled and has been waiting on completion for almost 4 months, have you and your family had any information from the drilling company about this well. There is also a pretty good gas producer in Sect 20 which joins sect 18 to your south but it was only to 9000 ft and there is a well being drilled in sect 17 to your east that was permitted to 12500 ft and shows to be drilling now, so ya'll keep an eye on what happens with them. They won't pay ya'll anything in your section but they are close enough to give you an indication of what your section might do.
Thank you so much for this information. I will call my brothers and sister tomorrow and read this thread to them. I truly appreciate your time and effort in pulling this information up for me.

Thanks again.

Rozzy, I have had Cody Mayo do some legal work for me regarding taxes. An area in which I feel he has experience and is capable. I am not aware that he has any expertise in O&G law. I agree with many knowledgeable members on the site that Randal Davidson is one of the best O&G attorneys in NW LA. He would be my choice. His office number is (318) 424-4342. Good Luck.
Thank you Skid for the information on Randal Davidson. I wonder if he could convince my aunts that he would be the better choice over the tax attorney.

Even though you may have an undivided interest (I'm not sure) or a partial interest in the estate, you can get your own attorney. Don't feel like you are bound by your aunts decisions.
I was wondering about that BirdDawg. Thank you. I am gathering information so I can talk my siblings into steering in a more logical direction with a different attorney. My aunts jumped right into this out of excitement without thinking about the consequences of choosing an inexperience attorney.

I have called and left a message with attorney Randal Davidson. I shall receive a call back shortly and if it is a go; I will contact my siblings and have a meeting with them over the new direction HS will take in our future.


Thank you sooooo much
Hope that turns out good for ya'll.
Thank you... I am still waiting for a return call from the attorney. Keeping fingers crossed as well!

CAN you tell me anything about production in Section 24 14N-13W and SECTION 23 14N-14W. This is an EXCO production company holding and got a letter from then stating they were petitioning the State of Louisiana to FORCE POOL for 8 or so wells they want to put in the Haynesville Shale. How can I tell if they have finished wells or wells in production in that area.
I'm not sure section 24-14-13 but section 23 -14 -14 lots of action going on there there is one new well being drill now---section 23 -14 -14 lots of production from older wells
Skip, thanks for posting Randal's correct last name and phone number for Rozzy, I knew he was about the most recommended guy on here and I'm sure she'll be glad to get your info.



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