Is Haynesville Shale Co. still buying or leasing land?

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I have talked to my attorney in Natchitoches, and to Sonny Evans, whom I greatly admire! This land has never been leased.
I just want to get the appraised value for the land and timber and 1/2 mineral right as my mother has requested.

Thanks, de nada. The complex nature of the question ( at least to this layman's mind ) should reinforce the need to seek experienced legal counsel in matters of mineral estates. And to your comment about the "..hard times of the twenties and thirties ..", I would add that it was a period when many existing right-of-ways were created for transportation purposes. Land owners lost significant acres to the construction of roads and their heirs may not be aware of mineral rights remaining in force for those lost acres. The HS should be a good reason for them to research and determine if they own more mineral acres than surface acres.



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