Well as they say my wife and I are in a quandry. About 6 weeks ago we were contacted by a landman with St. Mary's exploration concerning some mineral rights that belong to my wife. We were unaware of these and it came as a shock to us. My wifes claim is approximately 4.167 Acres of Minerals in the Bigger Abstract 94 and 89. While we understand that anything we get money wise if something we didn't plan/know about my questions concern the $150.00 per acre, 18.75% royalties and a 3 year term. From what I have read here and else where on the net, that is low, way low. What should we expect from a lease in an around Center Texas. While we dont want to be greedy, we dont want to be taken advantage of either.

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I agree. I think 25% is a reasonable request. I would also lean towards a less than five year agreement, which they are proposing now. Even though they say they are interested in drilling early next year, they could sit on it for a long time if we allow them to.

Thanks Eric,
I also agree that in the end the percentage on royalties is where the money is. I also think that if the 2 year option at the end is negotiated at a higher rate it motivates the company to drill. With the current economic situation I think a 500, 25% 3 year with a option of 1500, 25% would be beneficial to everyone concerned.
25% is minimum. But if you think 500 or 1500 is ok, you've bumped your head. This is why the land men have an advantage over us. We listen to folks who have no clue as to what they are talking about. Rather than seeking out good council and paying someone who actually knows for their knowledge. If you had a million dollars worth of timber would you sell it for 500. and 25% of what they sell it for. And if the economy had a bump oh! somebody give me something for it please!!!! anything. If timber prices go down, you wait. if you dont seek advice from a good timber consultant, you'll get ripped off. thats the facts.
My mother just got an offer for 500/acre, 25% royalty, and a drilling rig for 15,000.

Is this a bad offer to go for?

Also, the landman said if we don't go for this, then they will move the drilling rig south and redraw the unit to exclude us.

My family hasn't leased the land to anyone and I never even knew we were in a unit until now. Any ideas?
I'll pm you. I would say that's a bad offer.
C L, The bonus is low but a lot of bonus offers are now. At least initially. The 25% is not out of line. This their first offer? If it is then they expect a reasonable counter. A lot will enter into it. The size of your tract? Depth limitations? Have you checked out some of the threads on this site concerning lease terms? Had a lawyer reviewed the lease they presented? What company is it? What abstract is the property in? Does she own all the minerals in her tract?
I'm glad you said this. Thanks.
We are trying to look at securing a place in the unit before we sign anything. We feel this is the important thing to consider. Energy Companies can agree to anything but if we are left out of a unit -we are not getting anything in the future.

What has been going on lately with leases? I got a platt of where we have mineral rights in Shelby county and who owns land around us. This is a pain to deal with three states away.
While I am stuck on the 25% royalties, I also realize with the news concerning downsizing and all I would prefer the royalties and what I feel is a certain possibility of it being drilled. While I dont want to be taken advantage of I also understand that my wifes 4.1 acres that is a part of a 50 acre family thing negates some of the negotiating leverage that larger land/MR owners have. As mentioned in other post, our bills are paid and anything that comes from this wasn't anticipated 5-6 weeks ago. While I agree that it could impat our life somewhat, I believe it would impact my grandchildren life more.
I have 4.5 acres in the James Community in Shelby County, TX. I would be interested to know if anyone is contacted about leasing MR. I understand that things might look better after the new year and after the inauguration. Chesapeake backed out on some contracts this month at $5K ac and 25%. I have not been contacted by anyone, but would be interested. I've been following the conversations, trying to stay abreast of any activity in my area. I would appreciate any input.
Hi Eric - I'll run it by Beta to see what they say. Will keep you posted.
Paige - The # I got from Southwestern's website (www.swn.com) is 281.618.4700. If you hear anything back please let me know.



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