I received a letter from Hargrove etal 10-23-08 for a pre-application notice for ten units in North Shreveport, T-18N, R-14, 15W. The area is from North Market to Pinehill Rd to Shreveport Blanchard Hwy (large undeveloped tracts are included in the area). The application is the notice of intent to create the 10 units and force pool separately owned tracts within the units. This company seemed to run under the radar, Twin Cities was actively leasing for CHK. Anyone have information?

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Tiger, it is likely all ten units will get approved. As KB stated you can lease at any time and it may take some time before drilling occurs in your section (unit). You may want to find out what companies have leased acreage in your area to identify potential candidates.
Reply by Skip Peel 15 minutes ago
Jay, let me add my "thank you" to that of Grice. I remember when the commissioner issued his ruling. And was relieved to see the practice quashed. There are a lot of members here, and land/mineral owners across NW. LA. , who owe you a debt of gratitude.

There wasnt room for a comment below yours Skip Peel so I just copied and pasted so it could be continued. Theres no way that I couldn't mention an ole' friend , whom I havent heard from in months I might add, along with Jay in giving thanks for the extra effort that they took in attempting to kill the actions of the O&G's on this issue and thats my original shale buddy DrWAVEsport.People were quick to ridicule the bell sounding of Doc but we certainly see what the effects could have been if not for the efforts of these two men and the others that helped fight this thing.

If you happen across this Doc, or someone that knows you and could tell you for me, I just want to let you know that I still owe you that cup of Java from the Shreveport Times days and would love to be able to clear that tab with you.May life bring you many blessings, of which you certainly deserve every one that comes your way old friend!
Thank You and God Bless!
Scott "Snake" Stewart
What happened to him?
is the MLK area included in these Sections?
Ray, Grice was kind enough to provide this image of the unitization boundaries. Click on this link.

I made a correction to my original image post, but it easily got lost in the scramble (the way this forum generated responsive post). The correct image is...

Grice, thanks for the correction. It's not the only info that gets lost around here.
Not really, it is to the north of MLK except for small subdivision off David Raines (King Cole Ct,)
Has anyone answered what Samson's intent would be and why they have taken upon itself to unitize ? 10 secs. along pinehill rd, 10 secs. in longwood field and have even jumped across Cross Lake to terminate some old-old units in some sec.
H P Bryant,

If CHK is letting leaseholds go, maybe they're buying?
His last post was around the 9th of Sept. I believe in the political forum.I never got any of his contact info so I dont have a clue.Wish I did know. I left him 2 pieces on his comment wall that werent replied to in last month or so. Solid fellow , drug me kicking and screamin' outta several scraps over this stuff on both sites. Not that I get into stuff or anything like that.(chuckle,chuckle)
Thx to Les B for the reply....& to Grice for the current map. & to La. Lady. etc. etc. I'm hoping more uncommited l/o will check in to voice concerns, Can they force pool in Texas?


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