Who has received a royalty check?
How much was the royalty?
WHat kind of Production (Aprx)?
How many acres?
Any expenses deducted (for those without a no cost royalty)?
Sec., Township and range?


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Ahh this is a Question that most will not answer because of the greed factor and the need to keep quiet on their special deals. You have to remember people are not going to say what deals they got because they may have agreed to keep quiet. Paid quietness!!!!!!!!!!!
People are updating constantly through out this forum on the current lease bonus being offered, and being accepted as well as lerms, renewal options,and royalty percentages. There are also sever national databases mentioned.

As to royalty checks, no information will be known on the Haynesville Play until it starts producing and some gas gets to market.
So has anyone received a royalty check, now a year later?
Inquiring minds want to know you can be as discreet as you'd like.
Use fake username, don't pinpoint where you are,
I just want to get an idea how much the well produced, what time period the check (s) covered, how often they came, what they deducted from the total, if anything.
Just curious.

Make it simple. You know what terms you received. You shouldn't have to tell as to all of your lease provisions (bonuses, Pugh clauses, etc.). Divide the number out on a net mineral acre basis, and report the number of months for which you are being paid, since your first check will 'catch you up' from the first month's production to current. Put your STR, too, it will help people to correlate against the well(s), HZ vs. verticals, etc.

Example: You receive your first check for $100,000 today on your 100% ownership of 40 acres for two months of production (May and June). You have a 25% RI lease, "no deducts". Report: Received $2,500.00 per acre on first check (2 mos. production, Leased at 25% royalty, no deducts). If you can, state how long the well has been in production so that folks can see the impact of the decline rate.
How about this Dion: everyone can cut and paste, fill in the blanks with their info.

Net mineral Acres: ______
Royalty %: _______
Month/Year of Check: ________
Months of Production on Check: _______
Production: _____________mcf ____________bbls (condensate if any)
Payment total:___________
Deducts(severance taxes, treatment, etc.):________________
You with the IRS?
Don't worry, they get a copy of your 1099.
No, I'd just like to know....

Baron I'm pretty sure is not; I know I am not.
is this a discussion or a fishing expedition ???
come on, please disclose intent....?
The intent is I just want to know.
As a landowner in the area, who lives on the west coast, this is one of the ways I stay abreast of what is going on.
If for nothing else the confirmation, that all of this will ultimately, hopefully one day, lead to some mailbox money.
You are wise to want to know who or why someone is asking, but think about it, don't you want to know all the facts you can about something in your financial portfolio.
When I invest my money I look at the price, the fees, the duration (how long I have to hold the investment to see a ROI) and the ultimate gains or loss.
I am asking this question in the same gain.
I have run the royalty calculators, they are helpful but they are so generic I have no idea if they are even close to reality.
Some of the operators have sample checks with keys to show the different types of deductions they make, but again that's all for illustrative purposes.
I am asking this questions to get the real amounts and the real deductions.
I thought by suggesting anonymity, the fear of, not sure what, would be decreased.
I figure someone eventually will answer.
There is no giant plot to get anyone for any reason, I am happy for everyone that has been blessed to have this fall into their laps.
If they'd started drilling on my land yet and I had one in my hand I would not have a problem giving the information in a general non-identifiable way.
Let's face it knowledge is power and at any point in the play from early 2007-2008 the shroud of secrecy is what kept the landowners in the dark. Much has been revealed in the last 19 or so months, and this venue is for sharing. It is not fair to take the information and not give back. It is not fair to come here and ask a question, people freely and voluntarily offer, advice, referrals, experience and real answers in some cases, and to then clam up with the the last piece of the process, royalties.
Rake me over the coals if you like, but there is nothing more to it than I am curios and want to know


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