Anybody know whats going on with the additional wells on 405-30366

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405-30499, Black Knights (SL) DU #1HB was finished drilling at the end of August.

405-30507, Black Knights (SL) DU #3H was finished drilling just after Thanksgiving.

405-30502, Black Knights (SL) DU #3HB was finished drilling mid-October.

405-30508, Black Knights (SL) DU #4H was finished drilling in late February.

405-30514, Black Knights (SL) DU #4HB was finished drilling in mid-January.

 405-30448, Black Knights DU #2H hasn't been drilled yet.

No IP reports on any of them but I wouldn't be surprised to see them all come on at about the same time when they are completed.

Thanks! Dumb question   These sites all associated with the one I listed? Also I thought they mentioned 8 being off this?  Do you think they will do the new division order paperwork all at once when all 8 are complete? May I ask what the IP report production correct?

Each new well has an "Initial Production" aka "IP" test (G-1 report for a gas well, W-2 report for an oil well) which sets the "allowable" production from that well. It is a 24 hour test that tells how much gas a new well is capable of producing per day. Since the Carthage (Haynesville Shale) is a "100% AOF" field, operators can flow these wells at whatever rate they think is optimal. 

I'm not sure how the division orders will work on the "stacked lateral" wells. I assume that you will get a separate DO for each well because each has its own Lease ID # and that you will get them all fairly close together if not all at once.

Production is reported on a monthly basis on a "Form PR". There is usually about a two month lag between production reports and present date (expect to see February report in April) but operators report at different times of the month. XTO always reports at the first of the month and has already started turning in February reports. So far... none of your Black Knights wells are included except, of course, for the #1H well which has been producing a long time and has a Lease ID.

I check "pending" production reports because I can find the first production from a new well, usually, before the IP report is even turned in. A new well stays in "pending" status until all the completion paperwork is approved and a Lease ID is assigned to that well. Then the figures are migrated over to "Gas Well" status where you can find them on a "Form PR Query" under the Lease ID #. Most times... you can find the "pending" figures just by using that status and the API or permit# on a PR search but, sometimes, you have to search, instead, by operator ID# and month to find them.    

Thanks for the quick response. Im a Illinois boy with no clue how this works sometimes. Hope it all works out here and it produces for us and everbody. What do you think 6 months or so before we see division orders if you were to guess?

Since the #1H is already in production, I would assume division orders would be issued fairly soon.  

Thanks!  Just love the unknown did get some questions answered, I appreciate it. Xto says they're doing 8 stacked wells I wonder what is the hold up.I would assume it to be 2h and 2HB if those were done it would be 8 or do you think they are going with just 6? Also the payouts have been a lot less then at 1st started is it because there focused on the other wells and it will pick up when the others are completed?  Just curious


I think the site with most of those wells has been under essentially continuous drilling for the last few months at least.  none have likely been fracked and brought online while the drilling goes on, so you'll likely see a surge as some of those wells are completed and brought online.

Can we you see whats the status now any news? Anything online?




I just looked and there is nothing new reported.


Thanks for looking!

Still haven't heard anything going on with these sites anybody have any news please?


I updated the XTO well list last weekend. A couple more of your wells have been completed.

Just scroll through the list to find the Black Knights wells. I have the #2H permit status as expired but it is possible that they drilled it and just didn't report the rig move. We will know when they turn in the rest of the completion reports.



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