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I agree totally Jim, you are starting to sound like a conservative.
Hence the "bless your heart" to Pat.

Jim does not come across as a bed-wetting liberal to me at all, just a realist that tells it like it unfortunately is.

Taylor, coming from somewhere in the middle
Well if you sit on the fence?
I assure you my "somewhere in the middle" is not synonymous with sitting on the fence, but take it as you will.

I wouldn't think that someone that wanted to nuke the mountains where Osama is hiding out would be that liberal or maybe he is the far left just before he meets with the far right on the backside. Oh wait it wasn't Jim Crow that said that it was another poster named Jim, sorry Jim Crow>
Jim, add me to MA1 and CMK's chorus. GREAT POST! Hysterical and all true. Best
That is a great idea, Jim. Only problem is Obama doesn't seem to be listening to people like you who have the good ideas. What can we do to get it going in the right direction? I'm fed up with all the complaining and would like to see some action put out behind all the good ideas stated on here that the politicians aren't getting.

We just don't have time to waste.
One fix: Via tax incentive, i.e., no tax below a defined revenue amount, encourage new incorporations; would unleash pent-up creative juices in the economy. Talent-laden corps with career risk-taking owners and less than 15-20 employees multiplied many times over creates revenue, jobs, personal taxes, and ultimately would get that corporate (double) taxation as well.
I hereby declare CB and Arthur Berman a national shame.
We may need to get Jack Blake to make a declaration BD.
Too funny folks!
Jack Blake is cool.



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