COG Reported in conference call this am two Pettet H Wells in County Line Field SSW Shelby IP of 842 Barrels of OIL in the Forest #5 H and >500Barrels in the Timberstar Reddit #4 WOW WOW

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Adubu the Magnificent - What does "Note Shale--" mean?

Richard--Please re-read I said "Not Shale" not "Note"-----I mean this news does not involve HS which is what this Web Site is about but for those that have minerals to lease in this area of Shelby I would thing this raises the bar i.e. price-bonus, %R,etc to lease
adubu, have you looked to see what zone these wells target? my resourses are limited at this time so i can not check myself. that is great news for this part of the county. hope to hear of more oil wells in the future. thanks for sharing this information.
this wells target the pettet which is below the James Lime and above the Travis Peak. Cog had drilled a pettet vertical in 2005 and found oil in the Pettet but at the time NG in the James Lime was better for the money return. Now that Oil has better yield return than NG it make more economic to drill the H Pettet for Oil. Cabot said they have ~ 70,000 acres leased in the County Line Field and think possible the Pettet is productive for Oil accross the field. WOW that means you may have James Lime NG Pettet OIL Travis Peak NG Cotton Valley Sands NG Bossier/Haynesville Shale NG and Cotton Lime NG and in same mineral acres WOW You have many possible plays. 6 paying formation in 1. You could over the years have on a 640a unit 16 TP wells at 40a spacing, 16-32 wells in CV sands spacing 20-40a ,8 James Lime H wells at 80a spacing, 8 Pettet oil wells at 80a spacing,8H Shale wells with 80a spacing, and 4 Cotton Valley Lime H wells with 160a. spacing-----you could have ~60-76 wells total over the years---THIS IS REASON NEVER NEVER SELL YOU MINERALS.
What towns/communities/highways are near these well sites? I'm from out of town and lived in the Shelby County area growing up and know the area well with names of communities, etc. Was wanting to know when you said SSW if it is moving from South to East. It seems not much is going on to the East of 96 except for the Huxley/East of Shelbyville areas. My property is located near FM 417-- the Choice/Neuville area-- and some activity is going on there, but some have also been capped off for the time being.
wells locations just west of FM 711 <1 mile and about 2 miles north of Shelby/San Augustine county line or about 5 miles south down FM 711 from Hwy 7. Mid way between Neuville and Mount Herman. Hope this helps you little ole teacher. Lots of James Lime H wells in the area.
Thats dang good oil wells. Looks like Shelby County is heating up.
this is making my head spin adubu!!!
Where is the County Line Field????? This sounds so exciting for the owners!!!!!!!
look on Cabot Oil & Gas latest presentation on their web site and you will see nice outline on map. It covers the SSW part of Shelby, NNW part of San Ausgustine, and central east part of Nacgodoches county
Is the link below (page 14) the map you are referring to?
YES---thanks for putting link on for all to see. You will have to teach me how to paste and post links easy



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