A few months back horizontal drilling activities in Amite County screeched to a halt, save the completion of the Anderson 17H and 18H wells.


With the completion of 17H and the pending completion of 18H, signs of activity are appearing.

I predict several wells will be drilling by the end of June.


Let's keep ourselves informed here of drilling activities in Amite County.

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Hi, Bernell, I've been trying to follow all of these threads and understand what all the language means. Sounds like we're getting very close to 'something'. I'm out here in AZ and just waiting for when those wells start producing. My bottom line is: When does anyone predict we might begin to start getting monthly checks? Hate to sound greedy but, at my age, every day counts....... ;-) I just wanna live long enough to enjoy at least a little of what's being said to 'come' outta this.  Mary

It will probability be years.  You can look at the Eagle Ford time line as a guide.  There the first well was drilled in 2008, but it wasn't until 2011 that hundreds of rigs started drilling.  While the TMS is smaller it currently has far fewer major operators as lease holders.  So companies will need to raise a lot of capital and allocate budgets and those are yearly events.  Also E & P companies learn in the Eagle Ford that you don't want to drill faster than the product transportation infrastructure can support or you end up with costly wells with no revenue.

There is an oil pipeline in Liberty and major gas transportation lines going through Amite County.

Oil and gas have been produced in Southwest Mississippi for 50 years.  I certainly hope there is more of it to deal with than in recent years, but this isn't our first rodeo when it comes to transporting oil and gas.

Fracking is certainly new to the area and infrastructure needs to get in place to help with the cost of drilling, which may slow things down, but I don't think the transport/sale of products will be a major issue.

S. Texas had oil for 50 years and pipelines, but they weren't prepared for Eagle Ford product to ramp from 10k to 1m in just a few years.  If the TMS is as productive as the Eagle Ford, landowners will also start to earn money from ROW for pipleines. 

This is all speculation as one well's IP doesn't make a play, but here is to dreaming with fistful of lottery tickets before the big drawing.

Well, then, let's hope you are right.

If you own royalties under the Anderson wells, then I would expect something by Christmas.

Christmas sounds great. Thanksgiving sounds even greater. July 4th sounds WONDERFUL!!! But, I'll control my angst over it all and just enjoy what's coming in now. Might as well................  ;-)

I would expect some royalty money by Sept. at the latest - if Encana can ever get the division orders filed. Look at your lease - it should say about 60 days from the beginning of production. IMO

I was told after I posted above to expect a check "within 75 days."


That would be by early August.


We shall see.

Bernell, sounds good to me. I've got the perfect spot for them to set up a rig or two. It's right on top of a large pool of light sweet crude. 

Jolly Roger 31H & 42H. lol

Does anyone know where the drilling rigs are? Just wondering where the next drilling will take place.


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