Nobody has mentioned this well, which appears to be somewhat of a sleeper.  Although Nelson/Pryme have drilled wells in this field about 5-6 miles to the NE, it will be interesting to see what Anadarko can do!

Dominique No. 1, Serial No. 243229.  This well is right on the St. Landry/Avoyelles line and is most certainly a unit well for the  AUS C RB SUA, North Bayou Jack Field. 

TD is shown as 23,200' and it is currently drilling at 14,178' on 6/27. 

This is a really important well for N. Bayou Jack and Moncrief fields, including acreage in NE St. Landry, SW Avoyelles and on into Pointe Coupee.

My family owns land in the immediate vicinity, so I'm praying this is a barn-burner!


Views: 21523

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Atinum is not affiliated with Indigo. Just Whittier. Whittier had to buy a bunch of timber from ROM to build the platform for 16. Plus lease acreage from Indigo. I'm not privy to what acreage Indigo leased to Whittier.

16 is right on the west side of Bayou Jack outside the levee. Inbetween Bayou Jack and Bayou Rouge. Closer to 361 but not that close. 107 is too far north although as the crow flies either road is only a couple of miles away. If memory serves 16 is a little over a section E of 361 and about two sections south of 107. Indigo16 is in the SUD. As far in the timber as 16 is I don't believe you can see it from the levee. You can find the board road easy enough though.

If Atinum strokes that one it could really light things up in NE St. Landry. The only other well I can remember attempted out there was an old Moncrief vertical well back in the 70s. That one blew out and they couldn't bring it in. There was an old Chevron well I believe that didn't make close to level with 16 back inside the levee. Technology has come a long way since those days. 

Nicely done Old Scout. Looks like I was fairly accurate. See? My kids pick on me for being senile but every now and then I remember something! :-o
Watt - where did you buy that fish?
Lake Lanier, GA. It was only 8.5#. You really don't want me posting pics of 10#ders that we catch over here do you? ;-)

Antinum is a subsidary of a South Korean investment firm.

I was told a few hours ago that the Dominique has fallen off to 200-250 barrels a day and the Briggs is having serious problem wirt producing excess water large amounts
Mr. Elder - How familiar with this well is your source?  I talked to a property owner last week who spoke to someone onsite, and that as of that date, the well was flowing freely without any assistance.  Just curious as to what might have happened in the interim.
My source is on the ground on a daily basis he called me with the news. I hope it is not that bad but he has not mislead me before. He also said Anadarko has stoped leasing in this area they will continue to drill but just in a holding mode.
News to me. As of Monday everything was fine with the AB#1. They were producing over 1400 BOWD but that is not all that unusual for those wells. Plus they have the SWD well right there at Turner 21-1. Hopefully nothing drastic has changed in the past couple of days. Guess we'll see.

Hey Joe.... here's a new one (in Avoyelles) for your favorite subject: 7,000' Lateral


(Anadarko Rabalais 35)




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