Nobody has mentioned this well, which appears to be somewhat of a sleeper.  Although Nelson/Pryme have drilled wells in this field about 5-6 miles to the NE, it will be interesting to see what Anadarko can do!

Dominique No. 1, Serial No. 243229.  This well is right on the St. Landry/Avoyelles line and is most certainly a unit well for the  AUS C RB SUA, North Bayou Jack Field. 

TD is shown as 23,200' and it is currently drilling at 14,178' on 6/27. 

This is a really important well for N. Bayou Jack and Moncrief fields, including acreage in NE St. Landry, SW Avoyelles and on into Pointe Coupee.

My family owns land in the immediate vicinity, so I'm praying this is a barn-burner!


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If you look at the drilling permit for Lacour 43 it says the state will set allowables after a "suitable unit" is formed. Could the reduction in allowable be due to negotiations on a "suitable unit" ?


I think they are considering LaCour #43 as a scout well.  They have yet to determine the unit size.  Unit sizes can vary all over the place but depitctions I have seen show the unit to be 1920 acres for the LaCour Field.  There are already three units drawn up in a row going East and West adjacent to each other.  And they have adopted the name LaCour Field (which could have been just as well as a follow on to Morganza Field).  There will be a hearing if one has not already been held to determine suitable unit sizes.  Anadarko will push for long laterals and units that accommodate those laterals, eg 1920 acres.  Landowners will push for smaller units.

Yes, I read the SONRIS Lite too.  What does 4900 FTP mean?  What does 600 CP mean?  I understand the water and choke size.  My nephew who drives up that way daily to teach school at Bachelor says there are two huge flares going.  So they are burning of gas.   Disposal of water should not be a big problem as there are a bunch of injection wells in Pointe Coupee plus two major rivers (I am sure DEQ would not allow dumping into the rivers, but . . .

Those are pressure readings. You've got FTP (flowing tubing pressure), SITP (shut in tubing pressure), and CP (casing pressure).

I may be wrong (which happens on a regular basis!) but I don't believe there is a pipeline in that area. That would explain the flaring. Depending on cost to run a pipeline to the well they may just decide not to produce the gas.

There are active wells in the area, even close by.  But no connections I am sure yet.  It is not new territory for oil/gas production, there are already wells on Mr. Ovid LaCour's place (Sadly, he has passed on but his family is still there).  

I just looked at that. It looks like almost 6 miles of pipe would have to be laid. That's a lot. And expensive. I don't see anything closer but all my stuff is old and I haven't updated in a long while so there might have been something run I don't know about. I don't pay close attention to much of anything outside of Moncrief or North Bayou Jack. And don't get that right half the time! ;-)

Interesting article from Greater Baton Rouge Business Report. 11/28/2011

"The hills are alive"

… with the sounds of oil companies and Feliciana landowners hoping to strike it rich in the Tuscaloosa Marine Shale.


Sounds like he is waxing poetically with a lot of rehashed material.  Yes, West Feliciana, East Felician and St Helena are hot spots now.  We all hope it comes to pass as a true play.  Pointe Coupee has since the 1980s had some high levels of gas production with a lot of oil too.  Now they are after the oil.

Geaux Tigers.

Sonris was updated recently with the below information.  I know that a very insignificant amount of oil was reported for the month of September, so I don't understand why the large jump in the estimated potential.  The previous report indicated 753 bopd as the estimated potential, as opposed to the 1826 now being shown.  Does anyone have any thoughts on this?


01/01/2012 06/30/2012 617042 2 2200 1826 1

The revised estimated potential is great news (this is the second reporting of 1826, so I think it is more accurate than 753).   Also, it is likely the reported September production was only for a very short period of time (like a couple days).  Note that there is no reported gas production, but I know that the well was hooked up to a pipeline shortly after completion.  So the next couple months of reported production should clarify if this well is more like 753 BOPD or 1826 BOPD.   We are due for October production numbers very soon.

You sure don't see Anadarko putting out press releases like Pryme.  Seems like they really want to keep things quiet (or even understate their wells) - can't say I blame them from a business standpoint.  Before all this drilling I heard they were a company that plays very close to the vest, and the last year has proven that to be true. 

Is it customary for production to be recorded for just a few days when the well is initially put in to production?  My understanding is that approximately 1,000 barrels was recorded for the month of September.  I hope you are correct, as your viewpoint is much more encouraging.  I did see the site about two weeks ago - it is very impressive.  As I was entering, a loaded truck was exiting, which I took as a very encouraging sign.  Just not sure how often those trucks are coming and going.

Don't think it is a matter of custom, only of timing.  It is my understanding the operator is required to report the actual production for that month.  So if the well is put online close to the end of the month, you will obviously have a low number.   I've seen this numerous times on HA wells.  They may also have still been working on completion, choke, flowing to gas line, etc., all of which may have lowered initial reported production.  This has been a very slow 7 months of waiting, but I think the next 2 or 3 months of reported production will tell us a lot.  As a landowner, you will likely also be waiting on title to clear and Division Orders to go out before royalty is paid - so that may be another patience trying event.  



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