Does anybody have a detailed map of the AC overlaying the TMS in Point Coupee? I would like to see it in relation to my land.

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Do a web search on J. Burton LeBlanc.  He reused all his Tuscaloosa wells around Port Hudson for Austin Chalk operations.  I doubt that you can get simultaneous production from one well but who knows what modern technology can do.  But why would you chance killing Tuscaloosa production to acquire Austin Chalk production, sort bird in hand argument.



If anybody could find a way to do something innovative by taking a risk it would be Jules. Has anybody heard rumors of simultaneous production from one well?

I would suppose so, but if the casing have been removed it is doubtful.  There is a well near the New Roads airport that was a dry hole for Tuscaloosa Trend but they reentered and did a lateral in and around the Austin Chalk.  It was successful but marginal in production.  So you do not hear much about it.  It would be located on the old Etiene Loupe place, or close to it.

There was a well drilled in New Roads just off Major Parkway in the midst of the old Major Plantation (perhaps known as Poydras Plantation).  It was a dry hole too.  It was drilled in the Tuscaloosa Trend and the Moore Sams field.  They bored a hole in the side wall of the casing and tried in the Austin Chalk with no success.  I do believe the new Walmart will literally be located right over it or very close to it.  This well had been drilled in the last three or four years.

I always assumed the old Poydras school sat on the plantation. So instead was the Major's later, now the new center of commerce. 

Thanks for the history lesson.

p.s. who was moore sams named after, and is it different than Parlange? 

My understanding is that they can be reused if the old casings are still in place otherwise, I am sure the close up.  That was what was done over around Port Hudson on the old Tuscaloosa Trend wells but the ower has to be smart enough to keep the casings in place.  So a lot of those old holes in the Moore Sams and Morganza are not reusable.  And some of those old wells have been recompleted after three or four tries at different depths.  I know that one well at or near the New Roads airport was recompleted in the Austin Chalk horizontally with marginal success.

There is an active well on LaBarre Plantation (the old Prevosty holdings) right now, it was recompleted several years ago.  It is however a Tuscaloosa Trend well not an Austin Chalk well.  The well is well back and is about a mile south of the Morrison holdings.  And yes it is considered to be in the Morganza Field.
would that be the ravevswood b1 well?

does anybody kow how far labarre is from the 3 anadarko planned wells?


I only know about 2 planned wells by Anadarko Lacour 42 and 43. Is another well planned for Pointe Coupee? I did find well permited today in Pointe Coupee today called Wandaland in section 20. I do not know who the operator is yet. I will try to get the distance from Labarre.
sorry craig, the 3rd is in

AVOYELLES parrish in the

BAYOU JACK, NORTH field. alittle north and west of pointe coupee.... it's the dominique 27 well.... a sleeper... drilling now by anadarko, the finnished product should be interesting.....aa

I can't wait to see the results. I hope they are not waitng for the results from dominique before they drill Lacour. Have you seen any rigs at Lacour yet?
10.5 miles from the Lacour site.



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