Has anyone been contacted by letter from Blue Ribbon Energy LLC Oklahoma City, OK  for agreement to lease for $400 per acre, 3 year lease with a 2 year option , 1/5th royalty?  Contacted in February 2015 and no lease received as of May 27th.  

Talked with Blue Ribbon and they gave me a vague picture of trying to interest investors in developing a lease project in the Louisiana Haynesville shale area.  At this time geologists are analyzing data to determine the specific areas to be leased.  The land description does not fit the land we own and upon questioning they replied that the mailing list was comprised from a preliminary survey of tax records.  When completing data analysis ownership records will be searched and leases prepared.

Sound a bit like a fishing expedition to me.

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What Sec-Town-Range did they reference in their lease proposal?

Sabine 3-12N-21W and  Natchitoches 32-11N-10W - niether of these do I have mineral interests in!

Township 12 North would be on a level with Mansfield and Logansport in DeSoto Parish and the most western range is 16 West and would cross into Texas.

Phillips drilled a well in Section 32 back in the 70's that had a total production rate of 5BCF unless I have my zeroes wrong.  Listed as a SMK at 13,000 + feet.  Since it was the 70's early 80's I assume a vertical.


Beware any company that uses property tax records as the basis for making offers, 

Thanks Skip.  

We just received an offer for $750/acre and 1/5 royalty for 3 years with a 2 year option from Blue Ribbon.  The amount of acreage was incorrect.  Sabine parish 36-9N-13W.

Anyone else heard of them?

They are not registered with the LA Secretary of State.  That doesn't mean they are not legit.  Just means they are sloppy.  Doesn't sound as if their due diligence has improved since Razorback started this thread.

Made same offer and same incorrect property acerage discription and then backed out of the deal after saying leases were being prepared. Not real certain this is a legit operation.

Mineral buyers have started buying leases instead of mineral deeds

I was just approached by blue ribbon, 1000 acre, 3 yr, 2 yr option. Any comments? Im pretty clueless at this point.

Have not heard anyone that has completed a lease deal with Blue Ribbon.



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