Is there any source for sections with proven Bossier Shale reserves?

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As far as I know, just me.  I'll post a current list after my NARO-LA presentation on Tuesday.  In the meantime, post your s-t-r and I'll let you know.



thank you sir!

The Bossier or Mid-Bossier Shale, like the Haynesville Shale, is continuously productive over large contiguous areas.  The following is a cut-and-paste from my list of sections where operators have applied to drill Bossier wells.  All sections in 10N-12W and 11N-14W would have economic Bossier reserves.

5&8 – 10N-12W

2 – 11N-14W

24 – 11N-14W

Thank you again.

Skip, what about the below sections having the Bossier?








There are no Bossier wells on my list north of 13N with the exception of one listing in 14N-9W, the far eastern edge of the fairway.  17N & 16N would be too far north, 13N-7W is a possibility but once again that is the far eastern edge of the fairway and that township isn't on the current list.

Thank you, Skip. I sorta thought those 16N minerals were a bit too far north. Guess we can only dream of the Smackover. (Not holding my breath.)

On the 13n-7w --> years ago Les B had advised that there was, in fact, the Bossier formation at that location and he even calculated some reserve numbers as to the well profitabilities. But, as you know, CHK came and went. Such a train wreck all those many years ago.

But finally, Aethon stepped up for the step-out and did the deed. If I was a betting man -- and I am, in fact, such a gambler -- then I'd lay odds that the Ashland field and specifically 18-13N-7W does, indeed, have the Bossier formation and thus could see a completion formula which one day could pull the NG up to the surface and into a pipeline.

Hope springs eternal.

So far, the applications that identify Bossier wells matches up well with the early Petrohawk Bossier contour map.  Geologists have told me that the Bossier underlies all the Haynesville Shale.  The distinction is one of economics.  It is there but is it profitable to develop?  Just as the Haynesville Shale thins and picks up greater levels of contaminants on the far southern end of the fairway, the Bossier reservoir conditions are less favorable on the north end.  There are certain parts of the fairway that will never be economic because of low porosity.  That equals lesser Gas In Place (GIP).  The Logansport low porosity zone is one where completion advances won't result it making that rock economic.

I'm savvy to the uncertainty, Skip. It's always iffy. Like I tell folks, you don't really know until they actually drill it, until they spud and go deep.

It's a hard lesson I learned years ago. As a wet-behind-the-ears college grad, I thought my family's land had been drilled out. This was back before the HA, back in the  late '70s and '80s. In other words, I assumed that if there were any producible minerals under our land, that those minerals would've surely been discovered after decades and decades of drilling in Bossier Parish, going way back to the early days of boom/bust.

Yep, I simply assumed that all of the pockets of oil/NG had, in fact, been discovered.

I was clueless. I thought I knew more than I did. My sheep-skin degree from LSU had gone to my head.

But then the HA came a knocking, and I learned gobs of stuff that I didn't know. It was a steep learning curve, and a lot of the intel came via GHS. The helpful members, the dis-info dustups, and the spot-on advice was greatly appreciated. Indeed, your constant sharing of info was somewhat like my getting an associate degree in shale geology/drilling.

So I'll always be in your debt and in Keith's and in Les B's and in all of the many other members who educated us to the new reality of managing a Louisiana mineral estate.

And that's why I tell folks, if they ask, that someone really never knows what truly lies underneath their land until a diamond drilling bit goes down to the far reaches, down several miles below the surface, down much deeper than the early operators never thought was possible.

Nope, one never really knows what's down there until the geo science tells the tale.

Thanks again, Skip. Always a pleasure.



Jesse, I strongly suspect that Aethon has had a look at the Bossier in the Ashland Field.  If they think it worth a well, they'll drill one.  And that well may show itself in the alternate well application notice letters that you get.  Then we can follow that well to see if Aethon or their successor can make an economic Bossier completion.

True. The Bossier is above the HA. And as I remember it with the earlier wells near section 18, there was some scuttlebutt on getting the log/geo data above and below the HA target. (As I remember it. But that was hearsay and word of mouth. Years ago.)

Hence, we'll see what happens. Note: Aethon's initial DNR letter had proposed three wells in section 18. One was drilled.




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