Chesapeake slashes 215 jobs ordered to pay 405 million to land owners who

In recent article from Rigzone website.
Chesapeake slashes 215 jobs in reorganization and is ordered to pay 405 million in royalties and punitive damages to land owners who were allegedley cheated.

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Well said Mmmarkkk. Glad you are here.
Oh the way, I have heard about former President Bush being compared to a monkey but I didn't think that was a racist comparison. Why? Because there is not a history of negative racial inferences between White America and references to monkeys.

Put (either directly or indirectly) an Asian government official from China, Japan or Korea near any caption that talks about a yellow monkey and you're going to have problems in Asia. Or make a hot oven joke in a cartoon depicting Rahm Emanuel and you will undoubtedly have similar outcries.

What was the context behind Bush being compared to a monkey? Did he make some joke referring to himself as one, which got picked up by the media or something? As for the sewer plant, yes, I think that was disrespectful. This is the first I heard of that.
It is one of many disrespectful acts directed at GW. And no, GW never referenced himself and a monkey.

The fact that blacks have been referred to monkeys in the past means that everytime anyone mentions monkeys, they need to make sure blacks aren't around or anywhere near the issue?? Come on. How long do we have to put up with this crap? Its over. A Black Man was elected POTUS for pete's sake! But no, we are still a racist nation??

Again, the cartoon was focused on the author(s) of the Pork-u-lus bill...just happen to be two white folk! So again, why is this racist?

The race card is getting a bit tattered and torn, having been played at every little thing.

Yes, I know racists. I see them a lot. But many of them are black. Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton are tops on my list of racists. And extortionists using race as the gun!
Antsu, Japan is so much better than the USA! Stay there renounce your citizenship, eat all the pigsfeet, turtle blood and whatever creepy crawly they eat over there I'm sure it will take ages off of you.
Thank you, Susie.....I think you speak for the majority of the folks in this area and many of those folks who supported him thinking that all his campaign rhetoric was just that ....campaign rhetoric..... and that he would move toward the center if he became president. Well guess what ....he's made an even harder left turn and he's letting the lady from northern California run things! That is really special. All those holding out for those big lease bonuses are wasting their time. They won't get to keep any of it by the time he and Nancy are through. Earl and KB, if you'll just send all of your income to Washington, I'm sure he'll make sure your mortgage and healthcare are taken of. You can trust him.

You are an asshole.

Dude. You have gone from an A@@^%!$ to a Pilot Fish in less than one hour. That has to be some kind of record.
All this time, I thought that you were a freakin Gemini!
Earl, he gets around....he does asshole, KB caboose and the innuendo samba in the time it takes to right click a spell check
Mr. Murrell you don't know Earl like some of us that have been on this site for quite some time. You like others have used your real name as a moniker. This may prove to be a problem for you in the future or it may help to promote your agenda or your next run for office. I for one don't give two hoops in hell about how much you have made in the O&G biz. Earl is part of GHS and you calling him names only helps the rest of the community to form an opinion of you.
Hey KB, I was the one that took up for the fat kid in grammer school. Not the fat bulley. Got scars to prove it.
Snake, I can see Earl and Jay Murrell sitting around the campfire singing Kumbaya.
Hey Earl, we voted for the same presidential candidate, so we got no dog in this deal.



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