EOG Announces Excellent Results from 1st Bossier Shale Test (2/9/10)

EOG included the following information in their 2009 Operational Highlights:


"In an area where EOG had previously focused on the Haynesville, EOG reported strong production results from its first Bossier natural gas test. The Sustainable Forest 5 - No. 2 Alt., drilled to a vertical depth of 11,400 feet in the Trenton prospect area in DeSoto Parish, La., began producing at 13 million cubic feet per day. EOG has 100 percent working interest in the well that is estimated to have reserves in excess of 8 billion cubic feet. EOG is currently operating five rigs in the Trenton prospect where it is drilling and developing both the Bossier and Haynesville reservoirs concurrently."


EOG's presentation actually shows the well testing at 13.1 MMcfd.  This test rate plus EOG's estimate of 8+ Bcf for the well confirms the Bossier Shale play has great potential in portions of North Louisiana and East Texas.  This announcement of concurrent development of the Bossier Shale and Haynesville Shale by EOG helps explain the multiple well permits in this section.


EOG, Sustainable Forest 5 #2A Well, Serial #240171, S5-T11N-R12W

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PG, yes - a section could have 16 horizontal shale wells. Just remember that it is unclear how each operator will approach developing their acreage. Drilling all the required wells could take 30-40 years once all the acreage is held by production.
where is your sec and range. we are in 18-11-7
I am interested to find out more for campti. anadarco has the lease.
Re Spacing: EOG applied for nine (9) alternate wells in numerous sections in the Trenton Field area, (including S35-12N-13W) on 10 November 2009. The hearing was held on 8 December 2009, so I assume it was approved without opposition.

It appears (this is very subjective) that their intention is to space five wells across the section, and then to put two wells at each pad, one Haynesville and one Bossier.
Here's a link to the pdf presentation from this mornings EOG quarterly report:


And here's a link if you want to listen to the conference call:

David, you better post EOG's phone number because a lot of members will want to call when they find they are in EOG's Sweet Spots! LOL! But seriously folks, Don't. Operators are standing by.
I always take these "Sweet Spot" slides with a grain of salt, as they generally do vary considerably depending upon which O&G is doing the talking.

Take this new one for EOG presented to their investors this morning. Why, their asessment of exactly where the E.Texas "Sweet Spot" is just so happens to be - drum roll please - exactly dead center where they have all of their yellow "EOG Lease Hold" acreage plotted.

As this plays out further, I would imagine that the true "Sweet Spots" might play out as if you layered each individuall O&G's maps on top of each other than averaged out the areas included and excluded???

Nonetheless, it's always fun to see each operators assessment - especially when and if your own mineral holdings end up being included in their charted double-dip langiappe zones.....
Skip, currently EOG is remaining mum on the Bossier Shale play area boundary. I take this to mean there may be some amount of unleased acreage in that area.
It is odd that Encana is now posting a large swath of acreage for sale in the same general area that EOG is identifying as "sweet spot" acreage. This includes parts of E TX due west of southern Desoto and northern Sabine Parishes, plus several townships eastward in 9,10, and 11N, 9-14W in Desoto, Sabine, Red River and Natchitoches Parishes. They have posted this on a large map at the NAPE convention here in Houston this week. I am certain that much of this acreage is part of the SWEPI/Encana JV. It may be that they are doing so because the acreage is somewhat scattered/non-contiguous, plus there are probably some looming lease expiration terms within the next 12-18 months. I would doubt that it was predicated on their "lack of interest" in the geological merits in this area, wouldn't you think? With EOG, CHK, and Petrohawk being very active here, it makes sense that the geology is holding up. I'm just a bit surprised that Encana/Swepi cannot find a better way to market this - i.e. acreage swaps or sales to CHK and others similar to what they did last summer.
It is curious, Mattie. Thanks for the heads up. I'll let you know if I run into any details. It would be helpful to have some s-t-r for the acreage offered.
In looking at Encana's latest presentation (attached below) they are not showing any holdings due west of the Desoto/Sabine county line. Any more info would be appreciated.
In the EnCana briefing, they show a well in Sabine Parish with an IP of 17 Mcfe/day. Does anyone have any clue which well this is?


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