I thought the attached G-1 and G-5 would be interesting to some folks.  G-1 has the completion information - looks like acid fracs and therfore the target is the limestone formations.  


24 hour production is 479 bbl of 42.8 API gravity condensate or oil.  1179 bbls of water with that.  Note this is a vertical completion across multiple, thick zones.  


Maybe I need to get Joe Aldrige to look at this, but it looks more like what he describes as TMS rather than Eagle Ford Shale.  Any other thoughts?

Views: 83807


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DRY HOLE:  Per the RRC,

JAN. - 660 BO ; FEB. - 701 BO ; MARCH - 1,355 BO

It could be that the pumpjack I saw was installed in March, to help w/ lift.  I surely do wish it was FLOWING a good 1,000 BOPD.


Do you have any status updates on Terrace/Trivicum-Jackson.

Please and Thank You



I think one of the wells that iis about to be drilled is the Cabot NRL #1, off FM 2498 /CR 3200

T Hill,

Trivium is in hot water over the salt water evap pits that they have set up because they did not contain the drift  ---------- reportedly the damages are a big deal on the "Swift" and lawsuits have already hit the courthouse ?   --------- heard from a good source that the salt even built up on the electric line insulators and shorted them out ?


Thanks for the update. 



Well Thats great. Thats who I leased to about 2.5 years ago, maybe they will sell it to someone that has experience and knows what they are doing.

Us too, I hope they do sell and soon and get some other wildcatter like on "Backyard Oil"




 Has anyone heard which Co. had the high bid for Navidad or Burks property? Bidding closed on the 15th.

4 rigs operating in south HC.

More fracing completed on Interstate "Patrick"  ---- burning nice flare tonight

I like nice flares.  On another topic, we are geting a lsit of birthday wishes together for George Mitchell, the Father of Fracking, on the main page.  Please go add a note or comment.

Scan Glory shows to be rigging up 6/4/2013 about 13 miles SE of Lovelady for Navidad (Ella Jane 1).  Per Scan Drill website "From Crockett take Hwy 19 to Lovelady. In Lovelady turn right on FM 1280 and go about 1 block and turn left on FM 230. Follow FM 230 about 12 miles to FM 2915. Turn left and go about 1 mile to location on left."


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