EXCO Announces Great Well Test Results in Shelby Trough (5/3/11)

From EXCO press release:


"We are also encouraged by the results from our testing and delineation program in the Shelby Trough. We drilled and completed our first horizontal Middle Bossier test in San Augustine County during the first quarter 2011 with an initial production rate of 25.5 Mmcf per day from a 16 stage fracture stimulation treatment. We have recently tested two Haynesville horizontal wells in Nacogdoches County with initial production rates of 31.5 and 31.7 Mmcf per day and flowing pressures of 9,280 and 10,000 psi, respectively."






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thanks for sharing the info les.

do you happen to know why they are calling this the "shelby" trough ?


Is there a map somewhere of the Shelby trough showing where it runs?  Seems like I have seen one but don't remember where I saw it.
JWC, see the attached.
KJ, I believe because it runs southwest thru Shelby County.
Thanks Les.  You always come through....
Look at that map - I gotta alert my peeps in Angelina and Trinity County!


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