Forgive me I had too much Turkey the other day. Here's goes the dumb question, of which people tell me, there are none.

As the EOG drill more wells, when they come across a unit which on first complete well, gives them no problems and produces enough to make them blush, then they drill the unit next to it and they get mediocre to barely commercially viable results: Would they A: keep drilling in the mediocre unit at another location to try to get something to come up and HBP B: Leave it and let it go since they had less than marketable results on the first try C: Keep drilling in the 'blushing' units drill them to the maximum # wells and produciton capacity, let the underproducing units leases expire since they did not find enough there, and no other EOG will be interested either since the output is not high enough?
The owners in the second low or no producing units can't do anything, since there is not enticing production, their leases expire and the other EOG are not interested.

Are there bottom feeder EOGs? They probably do not pay that much I would guess.

Step away from the turkey....

Tags: drilling, leasing, results, well

Views: 36

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My turkey told me that EOG is a pretty good company. But who wants to trust a turkey, if Ben Franklin had his way it would have been the national bird.
I did not mean EOG the companies, but as you can see me and keyboard just put up with each other.
I meant EOG= OG= Oil and gas companies. lol
I have thrown the dry turkey I roasted out!
It has brought nothing but shame disgrace and humiliation to my life!
So it's your fault that the turkey turned out to be a dud? I have yet to be left open to the future or downfall of a turkey, I will not be shamed or humiliated by turkey droppings.



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