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Tomatoes must be brain food!
Just living around the Mediterranean would make me want to do everything in my power to eat healthy. It truly is a magnificent body of water!

Dorcheat makes me want to eat Mercury and Lead fish, and swig a Miller Lite.

I took the plunge buddy, I'm actually sweating while I'm typing this, I tore up about 8 foot by 8 foot plot of my beautiful San Augustine, Oh well , I'm taking a three prong attack, tomatos upside down, tomatos in the bucket with the gravel, and tomatos in the ground in a garden. May the best tomato win.
Dorcheated has been infected with 'Mater Madness!

That's the bad thing about me is once I get into something, it usually all the way.
I'll end up spending $400 dollars before it all said and done.
Dorcheated, If you have a buddy with a chicken coop, offer to clean it out for him, you can not get any better fertilizer. Be very careful as it is extremely strong. Be sure to put several inches of soil between the matter roots and the chicken droppings. Also, since cows and elephants eat the same kind of food, and cow poop is readily available almost anywhere in Louisiana, try it. It is what I use and I grow so many tomatoes that I haul them in to work with me and trade them for Hugs from the Ladies in the front office. Those that are left over ( always plenty ) I take to the mothers of my friends who are no longer here to take care of them.
Ps. If you plan to plant again next yr. Round up your garden spot this fall, and again next spring prior to planting, it sure makes it nice to have plants and no grass.
Also love some mater and cheese sandwiches, I just toast them in the oven, cheese and I put my maters on top with seasoning, yum, yum. Of course, velvetta is best. You can also just broil them maters too with seasoning of your choice, olive oil or italian dressing drizzled on top, a little parmesan too. So much you can do with them and they is so yummy.

Then you can put up some to put in your homemade soup, makes it so much better. Make your own salsa, Who knows what Dorcheat will do with all them maters.

When I come home every day, I have to check everything, even if it is dark, I have to get the flashlight. It is addictive. Something kept eating my squash last year, I think it was my pesky little half tame coons that eat my cat food. The entire thing would be gone, like it had been picked, unless my brother was steeling it and not telling me.

What kind of Greenhouse do you have and where did you get it? I would love to have one and want my brother to build one. Saw one in a magazine that a 65 year old woman built, he wants to grow veggies year round and I would love to also, but I want a place to keep my ferns and plants over the winter too. I just love my plants. I may just have to build it myself or buy one. Just bought a storage building, "Tuff Shed" from Home Depot, and may have to keep them in there - my son took over my other one as his "man cave". It was perfect, had a concrete floor, so I could water the plants and not worry about it. This one has plywood, so I will have to be careful. The other building is nicer, brick, but he and his buddies now have workout equipment, big screen TV, I have to get the rest of my stuff out when we get the loft built in my new one. He wants to move a pool table we have in his. I am glad they have a place to go and hang out. Better than running the roads.

I am going to have to make one of these get togethers. I think we would get along great.
Thanks Big Leroy,
I fished with a guy for awhile from Alexandria who owned one of those big chicken farms. I haven't seen him for a year but I probably still can't find his number. I imagine he would let me help myself, after all, he would bring dead chickens down to the river to fish with.
If you really want tomatoes that taste good and you can't kill, even if your run over them with your lawnmower, you are going to have to go out and find a place where somebody has a sepic tank that seeps to the top of the gound. If the folks there have eaten any tomatoes in the past year, there will be plants comming up and they will be pretty hardy. The fruit will be small, but when the summer gets hot, and the tomato worms find your plants, the worms will just move on to your neighbors plants and leave your's alone. You'll have all the tomatoes you can eat.
The grass is always greener on top of the septic tank.



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