what has happen to the active in the county it seems like very body left the county i wounder if there is going to be more drilling in 2010

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Jerry, there are currently eight rigs drilling Haynesville/Bossier Shale wells in the county.

H&P #260 Rig, Penn Virginia, Brown Gas Unit #6H Well, Serial #660706 , Harrison County
H&P #383 Rig, GMX Resources, Verhalen "E" #1H Well, Serial #684883 , Harrison County
H&P #420 Rig, GMX Resources, Bosh #19H Well, Serial #689153 , Harrison County
Nabors #610 Rig, Comstock, Clark "H" #1H Well, Serial #688112 , Harrison County
Nabors #M44 Rig, NFR Energy, Carolyn Bell Deep Gu #1H Well, Serial #686055 , Harrison County
Precision #50 Rig, Penn Virginia, Timmins Gas Unit #3H Well, Serial #685538, Harrison County
Precision #554 Rig, Berry Oil, Hazel Bryne GU No 3 #2H Well, Serial #685952 , Harrison County
Scandrill Scan Star Rig, Samson, Vaughan GU 2 #4HR Well, Serial #688036 , 203-34895
i know about these wells but there is no new permits i see in the area . GmX is in my survey and i got some leases going to expire with Samson and i am so glad because they area idiots. And land lease hold flippers
jerry, there were 13 new permits in Harrison in January and one so far this month.
was there any thing close to A-15, A-1, 799, 501 surveys
jerry, H. Blossom, A-1 has the GMX-Verhalen Lease Unit and they have reported three wells:

203-34870 Verhalen D 1H 7.285 MMcfd
203-34810 Verhalen B 1H 8.190 MMcfd
203-34861 Verhalen C 1H 5.476 MMcfd

203-34870 Verhalen E 1H finished drilling late Dec.
203-34894 Verhalen D 3H drilling now

203-34896 Verhalen D 9H permit 12-02-09
203-34897 Verhalen C 4H permit 12-03-09
203-34900 Verhalen D 6H permit 12-08-09
203-34911 Verhalen C 2H permit 12-23-09
203-34909 Verhalen C 7H permit 1-04-10

Nothing much going on in and around the other surveys right now.
well i am think about selling all of interest in the 3 surveys because of health problems . I have come down with a bad disease contracted from deer hunting and there is no cure for me . And the doctors told me i will never be able to work again . I hopeing maybe something would happen before i get worse but it looks like it ant. i know it in the play and it a good piece of property to drill on.
You should trying gettin a couple of Walker dogs and start coonhunting...it'll cure that deer huntin disease..
Is your disease related to ticks?
yes it is and it a real bad disease


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