I heard from good source that EOG and XTO are drilling wells (East Texas )  in Haynesville shale with only 50' spacing between lateral rather than 330' because Haynesville rock is so tight they are able to Fac and drain only about 25' that would mean about 30 wells in unit rather than 6-8. I understand pressure and flow are at virgin levels just 25' feet from other fac H hole same depth.WOW if true we got a hell lot of Nat Gas. 

Jay, other Geologist please weigh in your thought and what you have heard. Skip you know anything along these lines???????? 

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I'll see him again in couple weeks and see if I can get name of wells and API #s
Check any you contacts in short time please
I am not trying to make a case just reporting info I heard and wondering if anyone else has any knowledge
It be something if true
Pad site construction co hopes not true since could drill 10-12 wells or more off one pad
Be great for mineral owners but could be bad for gas prices
But operator cost decrease could make money on 2.50 gas

I don't have any contacts that could confirm what you suggest directly.  I can send off site emails to experienced industry members such as Jay to ask them to offer their opinion.

Great please check with Jay and other sites

Nobody but ECA puff has ever indicated 10 bcf EUR in the Haynesville and certainly not on 50' spacing between laterals. Read latest XCO conference call where they have gone to 6 wells/unit instead of 8. Wishful thinking, I think.

Would that be in XOM conf call since XTO was brought by XOM? I check with guy who told me about HS so tight fac only drain 25-50 feet. Of course it makes sense he misunderstood that rig simply moved over 25' on pad site to drill another hole, but S/L in bossier shale over the HS.
I'll see him again soon and if he think it still true I'll get well names and API #s yes it rumor at this point
It would be EXCO, but ticker symbol would be XCO.

Great news!


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