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just wondering if this class would be open to the general public or is just for oil and gas operators and their personal.
Open to anyone who would like to attend.
would be very intrested . i have learned how to navagite some of the site but there is probably a lot i am missing out on
I would attend.
All DNRs classes are open to the public, but it will probally not be for free.
Baron. I looked into attending the last class about a month ago in Baton Rouge, I do not recall that there was a charge associated with attendance. As there appears to be no class currently scheduled with a link on the main page, I'll call tomorrow to confirm but if memory serves the class is free.
You are on! LOL!
I'm in fer it. Not just the happy hour, I already know how to do that.
I am very interested.
Hey, too bad they don't have a call-in number. I reckon I will just have to wait for one of those out-of-state classes.
Hold on. Les. If we could get them to use the LA Tech building out on 3132, they have equipment to accomodate live feeds. lol

I'm in ... and in favor of evenings or weekends.

thanks, Keith :0)



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