A day or two ago I watched something on the news about people on the Louisiana coast being upset about less than desirables working on the cleanup. I had to travel through Plaquemines Parish back in the early 70s to get to Venice. This is not a place where you want to get into trouble. They will lock you up and trow away the key, if they chose to.

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I am from SE Louisiana. I traveled to Grand Isle, LA from Lafitte, LA by boat last week. There are beaches accessible to the public in Grand Isle. BP hired private to security to close the beaches to the public/media, but the Jefferson Parish Sheriff's Office threatened to detain the private security if they attempted to prevent access to the beach. You can probably find out more information by contacting JPSO or Grand Isle City Hall.

It is bad out there. Oil everywhere. From just south of Lafitte to Grand Isle, you can see marsh covered in oil.....

Good Luck

EH, Independent Petroleum Landman

Bobi, here's to the "Crawfish'dey Caught in Arabi"

Thank you very much for info. I will check with JPSO and City Hall before travelling down there. I know I will be shocked by what I see, but I do want to help.

You are a good man Mr. Sanders. Hope you get your quest done and help out with the cleanup.
I too would like to wish you luck in your quest.
With that posting title, I thought we might have to take up a collection to bail out one of our GHS buddies. Good to know all is well and noboby is in the "big house".

Well, of course, unless you actually live in a big house. Which is cool. Live in your big house dang you. grin.
Jack Blake has some past in Empire, Buras and Venice. Jack went down for a drive a couple years after katrina and he had a hard time figuring where he was as all the landmarks were wiped away. All three of the places Jack had lived in down there were just "gone".
Long live the HS cried Jack Blake!
AND HERE IS TO JACK BLAKE, a true AMERICAN hero, Shouts Two Dogs.


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