Having property in this area is like riding a roller coaster!!!!!

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Thanks had to look close. That is good news. Does not look like a deadplay to me.

A week ago , there was a rig on the well and several more tanks on site.  About 2 weeks ago, I heard they were moving frac tanks in and were also preparing to install the downhole pump. Well was said to be producing

300 to 500 bbls per day without a pump,  up from almost nothing but down from the test potential of 3000 bbls per day.

Any guess as to what is going on?


Can you get a photo of the "frack tanks". If they are frack tanks then they are going to do a Sand/Gravel pack on the well. That's what I've said all along. I personally don't see why they would put a pump unit on a well producing 3-5 hundred barrels a day. As far as beginning at 0 and now producing 300 + bbls. That means, to me, the well had a lot of mud pumped into the formation while drilling and now its cleaning up.

Thanks Joe.  Keep us up to date.  We all have an avid curiosity.  We understand it is an intellegent guess as to what they are doing but it is more information than we can ever figure out.  Like I said, I like the technical explanations.


Tanks are gone....rig is gone. All were there a week ago. According to wife of one of the owners,

a pump was installed and it is not working. What now???

Since they put a pump in the well those tanks were probably "kill tanks". The well would have to be killed with mud to go in and place the pump. 

Since the pump is not running, I would assume that the power has not been hooked up yet. 

 Thanks for the explanation Joe. We would have no way to answer that puzzle without your help.

Well Test Date 3-17-2012 Report Date 05/01/2012

Oil Potential 118

Barrels of Water 10

Gas Oil Ratio 297

Anyone want to interpret why those figures are significant. I get barrels of water but I'm not clear on what the others are measuring exactly, or how.

Report date: 02/01/2012

Oil 667

Oil/Condensate Production 2,503

Gas Production 1,065

Well Allowables End Date was 5/15/2012.

Makes you wonder if there is a new Allowable due out? What's up?


Looking up.  Maybe they have the well cleaned up.  Condensate looks really good.  Oil so so and who cares about gas/

Report date: 03/01/2012

Oil 173

Oil/Condensate Production 1848

Gas Production 814

Well Allowables End Date was 12/31/2012.



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